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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Thursday, December 25, 2003 :: Merry Christmas to North America, happy Boxing Day to my side of the world! I had such a good day yesterday. I spent a leisurely morning painting my toenails, cooking my famous pizza, doing email, talking to friends/family on the phone and figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my day and my remaining time here in Victoria. Then David showed up at 3pm and we took off for the beaches of Port Melbourne. We stopped for ice cream and made a big mess as it melted too quickly in the wind and 27-degree weather and got it all over my hands, legs, face, hair. We took off our shoes and started walking. And walking. And walking. And we walked all the way to St. Kilda (kind of like Toronto's Beaches area) in our bare feet. I even managed to give David my Christmas present: a little vignette that I'd written for him and a voucher for a signed copy of my first book. We stopped at one of St. Kilda's famous cake shops and got stawberry tarts, a moroccan chocolate slice (dark rich ganache-like chocolate with hazelnuts) and coffee. Mmmmm. Then we walked back, talking, talking, talking. Watching the kiteboarders fly through the waves and the air. Watched the sun set as the temperature dipped. Topped off the night with a viewing of Love Actually, which was an excellent Christmas feel-good movie. Coughed through the whole thing, sadly, as I have some sort of virus. But what a day! What a lovely Aussie Christmas! And then I found out that everyone loved my Aussie presents at home. YAY! An Aussie outback hat for my dad, an opal necklace for my mom, a journal made from an Aussie licence plate, Australis South Bank lipgloss and Wallabies keychain for my sister, and for my brothers, all Wallabies paraphenalia including jacket, golf shirt and rugby ball. Heard all about the antics around the Christmas tree this year... Matt told Will that he'd already bought the golf clubs that he KNEW Will had bought him (lying, of course). Mom forgot to give Jen the lipgloss until I called to tell her about it, Dad sort of seeing his snowblower out in the barn when he was out hiding Mom's present for the big treasure-hunt. Dad not recognizing last year's puzzle that Mom had re-wrapped up for him. Mom hiding money in a packet of Depends undergarments for Will. Such a Bogaart Christmas. :: Cathy 7:08 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 :: Merry Christmas! Just got a call from my family. They're just home from evening mass and about to decorate the tree and drinking eggnog. You know, you just can't find a decent eggnog here! Opened my presents at 4am when David came to pick up Karen to take her to the airport. I got 2 "Canadian Girls Kick Ass" shirts from my mom and my sister. Great minds think alike. And my sister made me a lovely necklace. My brother sent me a lovely card with photos... spoke to him today and he told me of his attempt to get me the sweetest Christmas present ever. He was going to get me tickets to an outdoor production of the Nutcracker here but their website was down for days. So he emailed the people requesting tickets and even giving him credit card information. They responded rudely, telling him to use the site (which of course was still broken) and that I wouldn't be able to pick them up anyway without his credit card. So he abandoned the effort in disgust. Still, just the thought of it makes my heart swell. My friend Raye sent me a beautiful necklace that she made and a copy of Le Petit Prince with a lovely inscription. She is so thoughtful! David even showed up with the perfect gifts: a box of chocolates that actually taste like proper chocolates, a Star Trek calendar complete with nerdy ST trivia and the latest Sarah McLachlan CD, Afterglow. Listening to it now, over and over and loving it. :: Cathy 7:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 :: Happy Christmas Eve! Went to Karen's house last night. She was packing as she's leaving tomorrow morning for the Gold Coast. She was throwing out all her unneeded accumulated clothes, so I picked up some "new" clothes! Then we watched Pirates of the Caribbean which was a riot! Johnny Depp was fantastic and my boyfriend, Orlando, had bad hair, so was not his otherwise hot-self. I think I like him better as an elf. Elves are just so friggin cool... Tonight I'm going to Carols by Candlelight. I hope it gets me in the Christmas mood! Sadly, I'm getting sick. Coughing my head off and can't hear about of my left ear. Great. Why do I have to catch every single Australian virus that flies through the air?? Scott left for Brisbane this morning. David drove him to the airport at, like, 4am. I can't believe David is so nice. It's painful; he breaks my heart with it. But now I have the place to myself for 10 days. I'm sure I'll find some good use for that! Tomorrow I get to open my presents! Yay! :: Cathy 1:05 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, December 22, 2003 :: You should read someone's point of view on me and life here in Melbourne. Check out David's site. Apparently, I'm an inspiration. Yay. ~sniffs away emotional tears~ :: Cathy 1:29 PM [+] :: 0 comments Fighting the sad feeling. I should be happy: I got a package from my mom and Jen and a lovely card with photos from Will. And there's another package on its way to me today! So what's wrong? It's the thought of Christmas around the corner and my family around the other side of the world. I'm fighting it though. Must figure out a way not to care. :: Cathy 1:07 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, December 21, 2003 :: Words of wisdom: Never argue with a stupid person. :: Cathy 4:44 PM [+] :: 0 comments I have a digital camera!! A Kodak LS443. Started taking photos with it yesterday. Have yet to see what they look like on anything but my camera display screen. Can't wait can't wait can't wait. Might need a decent computer first, though.... Think I should have taken a photo of the candy-making demonstration at Suga yesterday. Outstanding! :: Cathy 1:03 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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