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<!-- raye -->

Raye is an amazing friend. She does things like remembers your birthday and makes you a birthday card.

She sends valentines. She goes on picnics. She watches movies and more movies and then maybe another movie, just for good measure.

She loves hot men.

She is thoughtful and spontaneous and generous.

She inspired me to go to Australia. She inspired me to make a change. She taught me that I should just make it happen.

She thinks she's "messed". I think she's fun.

Currently, she's in Halifax, working at Katimavik in some sort of financial position and finishing her MBA part-time.

Favourite Moment: everytime Raye breezes into town, shakes up my world and breezes out. The time when we decided we needed to go to New York to see our boyfriend in a musical before it closed in two days.

Sad Part: when we didn't go to NY. When she gets hard on herself for the choices she's made.



raye and cath. Halifax .May 2005.
Other photos:
Raye's 30th
Me and Raye and Hugh, 2002