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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, February 24, 2006 :: One more sleep (if you can call it that) until my ski vacation! We're off to the airport at 5am tomorrow. Ugh. And then we'll be in Calgary. It'll be nice to see Jen. It'll be nice to hang out with Matt, too, as I don't get to see him much. And so my mom doesn't feel that I don't like her if she reads this, I should point out that I've been on 3 vacations in a year WITH my mom (last ski vacation, the Netherlands and St. Maartin). I'm really happy she'll be there to ski with since she and I are about the same calibre: mediocre and happy about it. This year, we'll be trying out some new places: Fernie, Kimberly, possibly Castle Mountain. I think we'll be returning to some old favourites as well: Sunshine and Kicking Horse. I have two worries:
But no matter what happens, I'm sure I'll have fun reading and writing and being out in the gorgeous Rockies. Luckily, Jaap is staying at my place for a couple of days so he can water my plants in my absence and drink my milk before it goes bad. He might still be there when I get back, but he might have finally figured out what he wants to do next and might be gone. It was weird saying goodbye to him today; not knowing if I will see him again. I have a feeling that I will see him, though. He's a good friend and a fantastic travelling companion, so maybe we will travel together again. Plus, he has a very cute dad who knows how to use Messenger.;) :: Cathy 6:02 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 :: Sarah, Jaap and I went skating last night at Nathan Phillips Square. It's kind of a Toronto institution, and even though it's hardly the Rideau Canal, it's the only fun thing I could think to do in Toronto in the winter. I mean, since Jaap missed our winter festival, there's not a whole lot going on. However, he might go to the Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival in Stouffville next week. That would be a truly Canadian activity for him! To see the other photos from our skate outing (unfortunately, there are no photos of my amazing backwards skating abilities!) click here. :: Cathy 3:48 PM [+] :: 0 comments Canadians and their Olympic hockey. There are several guys here who have been watching the game from the auditorium downstairs - we've been broadcasting the game this afternoon for all of our tenants. There's one guy who has his computer set to a blog that gives him updates as they happen. Every once in a while someone calls out the score. "Nothing-Nothing at the start of the third period." "1-0 - Russia scored." "Oh no!" "Don't' worry, it's early yet" "2-0 - it's over." And now it is over and we're going home. Why am I so sad? I don't even watch hockey, generally. But there's something about Canadians that gets all tied up in Olympic hockey fever. You know, today we won 3 medals in speed skating, a medal in cross-country skiing and our men were guaranteed a medal in curling. And all I can think about is that our hockey team is going home. :: Cathy 1:48 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, February 20, 2006 :: OMG, Margaret Atwood just passed by my desk! The excitement never ends at MaRS. (In equally exiting news, I just ate two free yummy blueberry danishes for lunch.) I hope someday, someone will be as excited about being in close proximity to me. Is it worthwhile, I wonder, to have done the hard work required to get myself to that level of notoriety? Does she notice or care that people get slightly star-struck by her? If I were to be a "star" I would certainly want it to be on the terms by which she has accomplished Canadian stardom. She's done it soley on brains and talent. It must feel good to be so validated in something you're passionate about. To have mastered a craft so completely that you can pretty much do it forever and have it open doors to other things that you've always wanted to do... Maybe it is all worth it afterall. * * * Turns out that Margaret Atwood is an inventor and was actually using the MaRS Business Resource Centre! I hope she finds our services to be useful. I'm sure she knows a lot of people who are willing to help her out, since she is well connected. Most of the non-famous inventors who come to us find that this is where MaRS offers the most value: networking opportunities. I certainly don't begrudge her the advantage: take it where you can get it! I hope that other Canadian inventors are inspired by her story. I love that her idea came from something so simple as a need that she had to fill. I suspect that there is a story brewing here for the MaRS Portal. Every day I think that I made the right choice to come here - I am learning so much. Perhaps one day I, too, will be inspired to bring my idea to the MaRS Business Resource Centre. I'm just waiting for the idea. :: Cathy 10:58 AM [+] :: 2 comments :: Sunday, February 19, 2006 :: Of course I chose one of the coldest days to finally get out on the slopes. My mom and I managed to get out to Mount St. Louis Moonstone yesterday. We brushed off all our equipment and put on every last piece of warmth. Mom finally bought her battery-heated ski boots and wanted to try them out before we go to Calgary on our ski vacation. At least her feet were warm and comfortable. And I remembered how to ski - a miracle! The lesson that I took last year at Sunshine came back to me. And my back that has been killing me for the past couple of weeks didn't act up too badly. It's a little stiff, but I can't tell whether it's from the skiing or the run I went for on Thursday night. I think I'm in good shape for our ski trip out west. And excited! Now I'm doing my laundry and cleaning house for my guest who arrives tomorrow. Jaap is returning to Toronto! It's probably a good time anyway, since Alex will be busy the entire week and it will at least keep my mind off the fact that I've only seen him for a 1.5 hours in the past week and that I won't see him at all for the next two. Strange for a couple who live in the same city. OK, I need to get back to the cleaning and cooking to take my mind off the stupidity of my personal life. Blogging about it just makes me sad. Anyone have any good ideas for things to do with my guest in Toronto next week? :: Cathy 2:07 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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