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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, November 20, 2004 :: My sister turned down a job opportunity in Calgary. It sounded great to me. Sounded like a risk, but a risk in return for something better. And she turned it down because she thought that it would make her sick with worry. She turned it down because she didn't want to risk the stability of the job in hand (which she's not really happy with) for the unknown. I'm really sad. It makes me wonder if I would make the same decision if I had a house. Makes me wonder if I ever want to settle down and have responsibilities. :: Cathy 8:29 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Friday, November 19, 2004 :: Relationships Raye's Newsletter never fails to bring a smile to my face. And this week it has really made me think. Issue #7 discusses relationships. How many times in the past while have you heard or thought: "i'm too selfish and self-absorbed for a relationship" "i'm too independent" "i'm not good at them" "i'm used to doing my own thing and other people just complicate that groove" Raye asks: Are we getting too individualized as a culture? Is our quest for independence and autonomous success creating a trade-off that we can't possibly be happy with in the end? I can relate, even though I am in a relationship. I wonder about my ability to give and be selfless. I wonder if this is why I'm not married. I wonder if our culture, which so highly values independence, has ruined that part of me that really wants to need another person to "complete me". Reading Me to We, I have become more aware that we are such a ME-society. It's all about self-help, instead of helping each other. Are those that depend on others less happy? Statistically, the answer is no. So why do I loathe the idea of relying on others? It's difficult to put trust in another human being. Unfortunately, I must have high expectations and I am easily disappointed. And I mean, you can't CONTROL what that person does. Inevitably, they don't do what I would do. They have different priorities, needs and goals. It seems easier to just go on my own merry way, doesn't it? Why bother making someone else feel like they're a failure for not living up to my exacting standards? Except that we persist with the idea that the "couple" is the ultimate happiness. Except when it isn't. When it doesn't work - when it isn't right - whatever that means - then it's the worst failure. Sigh. I don't have the answers. But I'm searching. At least I know that others are, too. (If you would like to be added to Raye's list of newsletter recipients, let me know and I'll pass on the info. Otherwise, feel free to post a comment here about the issue.) :: Cathy 6:37 PM [+] :: 4 comments Hosting Solutions - what's best? Smartyhost.com.au 50mb disk space 20G/month transfer 99.9% Uptime $80AUS/year (tax included) PowWeb 1000 mb disk space 5 gb/day transfer 24/7 live chat help 99.9% uptime $7.77/mo (US?) 1 year = $93.24 no setup fee? dreamhost.com 800mb space 40 gb trans/mo $7.95/mo Supposed to be good; recommended by DigitalEve Toronto webhost4life.com unlimited transfer $4.95/mo (US) $20 set up fee 99.9% up time 50 mb disk space GO Web Server www.gowebserver.com 100mb disk space 5 gigabytes of transfer/month $4.95 per month or $49.50/yr (US) (2 months free - but no uptime guarantee for a reason) What do you use? What's the best? :: Cathy 6:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments Saw Kevin Smith at Roy Thompson Hall last night and it was rather cool. He has a potty mouth, of course, which I found to be rather tiresome after a while. I mean, how many times can you swear before it stops being funny for the shock value? And much of his humour is shock-value. Unsurpringly, given the nature of Chasing Amy and Dogma, for example. But he's a pretty cool guy. Laid back in a way that tells me he's "on". Really reminds me of Alex. And then Kevin started talking about his wife. And I had a sneaking suspicion that Alex and I are living a parallel universe to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I think I am Kevin Smith's wife. Except that I saw her and she's extremly pretty, so I'm not. But everything that Kevin said about his wife, I could have sworn came from Alex's own mouth. Alex and I stole sidelong glances at each other. I knew he was thinking the same. I have a new appreciation for Kevin Smith and I'm looking forward to his possible use of bionic ninja's hiding behind rocks at Degrassi High in his next movie, Clerks2. Don't be too surprised if, instead, he comes out with Jay and Silent Bob Take on Canada, eh? :: Cathy 5:52 PM [+] :: 5 comments :: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 :: I'm totally jealous. Kat has a blog and it's really good. And pink. And cute. And my blog still looks like my original site, even though I keep meaning to get around to redesigning AND I never post anything interesting. Yes, I realize that I'm making this all about me. Me me me, that's all we ever hear about in this blog. God, I need to write again. Good work, Kat! :: Cathy 6:52 PM [+] :: 2 comments Last night I went to an AIMS (Assoc. of Internet Marketing and Sales) event at which I learned a very little bit. On the happy side, I got to see two of my friends that work in the industry and have a great talk. (Which reminds me, I have a conversation to finish with one of them...) Then I walked to class -- from Second City at one end of downtown to UofT at the other end -- for more web stuff. And I discovered that I did REALLY well on my test! 97% baby! After that, I walked to Alex's place and we had a nice long hug and it felt so great just to talk and hug. Today, one of my old Infinaut buddies came in to work with me. It's been great to work with him again. Sometimes it can be really difficult to find a competent developer who understands (a) quality, (b) deadlines and (c) responsibility. And tomorrow I'll get to work with my cousin! I've got a project that I need some admin help with and she's going to do all the dirty work for me. I'm so glad! It'll be nice to see her again. It's weird: you live in the same city and you never see even your own family! And finally, I'm going to see Kevin Smith at Roy Thompson Hall tomorrow night. Should be interesting! :: Cathy 6:18 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, November 15, 2004 :: Stupid computer. It hates me. Won't log onto my network. Stupid stupid stupid. Of course, there are 3 other computers in this house, so that's how I'm posting here while my computer sits there like a stupid. ~looks over at it crossly~ I wish I knew how to fix computers. Well, here I go online to try to figure it out with online help... On a positive note, I think I made the best smoothie of all time for dinner. Mmmm. :: Cathy 5:34 PM [+] :: 0 comments I tried an experiment on my walk to work today. I walked on the left side of the sidewalk. Then I looked off to into the distance, pretending to be fully engrossed in whatever was happening over there. People who were walking the other way, coming towards me, refused to change to the other side of the sidewalk. They saw that they were going to bump into me, that I was not paying attention, and they still would not move to the other side of sidewalk. Isn't that strange? There's no LAW that you walk on the same side that you drive on. And yet, it seems that there is. In fact, people are quite adamant about it. :: Cathy 5:41 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, November 14, 2004 :: Sunday used to be a day of rest. Now, it's a day of cleaning. And now my back hurts from cleaning the encrusted food from the wall. I'm off to meet Alex for dinner. * * * Back from dinner now. Spring Rolls is a pretty good restaurant. I love asian food so much. Although I must say that the curried Pad Thai was a little disappointing. The best curried pad thai in the city can be found at the Friendly Thai. Without a doubt. My mom picked me up and dropped me at home with a bunch of things that she'd brought me from their house, including my warm winter jacket. I'm very sad that I'll be needing it soon. I do NOT like cold weather. Why do I live in Canada? I'm still looking for the perfect boots so that I can: a) walk to work in comfort b) wear all my skirts c) be a cute Fall girl (I think it's going to take more than the perfect boots for that one). Did I mention that I saw Edge of Reason, the new Bridget Jones movie? Well, I did. It was cute. But anyone thinking that it might closely resemble the book will be sorely disappointed. It's funny and true to the spirit of the book, but really quite different. The best part was, of course, the second round of the ridiculous fight between the two men in Bridget's life. Fantastic. I'm also reading a really great book: Lovely Bones. Sad and moving and after only starting it this morning, I'm already a quarter of the way through. Read the reviews on the Chapters site for a pretty accurate summary of the book; or not, if you want to be surprised. Recommeneded either way. :: Cathy 12:38 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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