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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, May 13, 2006 :: Day One in Halifax Episodes of Lost watched: 8 Episodes of Lost loved: 9 (it's all about the anticipation!) Episodes of Lost left to watch: 16 Dairy Queen Blizzards eaten: 1 Clothing items bought: 2 Conversations with Raye: 100 Pages of Harry Potter read: 19 I'm a little tired. Listening to the Swordfish album, finishing up my drink, offering advice to Raye as she gets ready to go out. She's already let me borrow her necklace for the evening. I'm really going to try not to drink too much on our one night out so that I don't get a migraine. I have only remembered to bring ONE migraine tablet. Yes, I know: I've already chastised myself. So far, this has been great. Halifax is cute. Seeing Raye is even better. Don't tell Alex I miss him. He doesn't read this blog anyway. :: Cathy 6:28 PM [+] :: 1 comments :: Friday, May 12, 2006 :: This morning, on the way to work, I saw a girl walk down Wellesley and literally throw two full newspapers on the ground just as she was passing a garbage bin. I was so shocked. I mean, who DOES that? So, I picked up the newspapers, saying something snotty out loud that I'm sure she didn't hear and stuffed them in the bin, throwing a dirty look at her retreating back. I was so close to tapping her on the shoulder and telling her: "Excuse me, please don't threw garbage on the ground in my city. That's disgusting." Yes, I said my city. I live here. Maybe she does too. I, on the other hand, take pride in my city and don't believe I live in a giant garbage dump. I think I'm my mother's daughter that way: she is well-known for picking up garbage on her daily runs. She could tell you ridiculous stories about the weird stuff she has found at the side of the road. Stop being lazy. Stop ruining the landscape for everyone. STOP THE LITTER! :: Cathy 7:25 AM [+] :: 0 comments I realize that I've forgotten to write about the other "exciting" things from the past week. Last Friday, I went out for party party party with some former coworkers as they're leaving for greener pastures as well! Looks like I started an exodus. Oops. It was nice to see everyone again. They're such a great group of people - I hope we don't lose contact. Then I had to hurry over to another bon voyage party for a friend who's moving to Vancouver. She's going to work on sustainable developments for the Olympic Village. How exciting! But I found out that she and her long-term boyfriend are breaking up to avoid the long-distance relationship. So, a bittersweet story, all in all. Then Alex and I ended up at MaRS at 1am or so to pick up boxes for his move. The moving day, I've written about. It was tough going, those first few days. I'm sure they were for Alex too. I'm sure he was freaking out. I'm not the easiest person to get along with. I'm pretty anal. But things have been better, as noted in my last post. I think it's going to be OK. As several people have said: if we can make it through moving and living in a jr-1-bdrm apartment, we can make it through anything. Although I hear that renos are even more stressful. Wednesday marked a couple of firsts:
:: Cathy 7:05 AM [+] :: 0 comments I came home a little late from work last night to find a clean, orderly apartment! And there was Alex sitting on the couch, as pleased as anything. It was so cute. Hugs, all around. Somehow, he'd managed to put his old, broken TV out to the trash all by himself. That thing weighed about 700 pounds. The new TV is perched on its milk crate platform, awaiting Rogers to come restore cable access to our abode. I nearly choked when I found out how much PVR cable is. But, what do I care if I don't have to pay for it? So I packed. OI, do I ever HATE packing! Of course, it got me all stressed out. By the time I finally sat down to work on Anita's site, it was late and I was exhausted. My brain was just not functioning. So I made the tough decision: the updates would have to wait until I got back from vacation. Sigh. I hate disappointing people. Alex tried to reassure me about the trip so that I could get to sleep: he reminded me that whether I forgot something or not, I could always buy it there. At worst, he could Fedex me anything I really needed. He's good for me. And finally I dropped off to sleep, only to awake early, my stomach butterflies already up and at 'em. Grr. I'm web-checked in, I've printed the Airport Express schedule, and I've already sent out all my vacation notices. No worries, right? So why won't my blood pressure calm the hell down? :: Cathy 6:21 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 :: I bought a new phone! I'm actually renewing my contract with Telus and I got a big phone credit so I only paid $50 for it. So now I have to get rid of my welfare phone that I got dirt cheap when I got back from Australia two years ago. It was pretty crappy, but I feel kind of sad about letting it go. I pride myself on being able to make do with "bare minimum" technology. I am my father's daughter. But it's supposed to have a better battery and reception and it's a flip-phone which prevents random call-answering, accidental dialing, and general deterioration of the key pad. So, there it is. A new phone. And a new family phone plan as soon as Alex makes the switch. It will be cheaper for both of us, so it's smart. But all this sharing is a little scary. :: Cathy 10:24 AM [+] :: 1 comments This morning, Alex and I went to the lawyer to talk about the contract between us for the house. Since I'm on the title and the mortgage, I thought it was important that we protect him from the possibility of sneaky-me selling the house out from under him and running away to some exotic country. Sounds like me, afterall. I had called a couple different lawyers. They were all priced similarly, although some were a little more expensive. And then I talked to Max Cohen, a lawyer that my real estate agent's office uses all the time. I immediately felt a connection. I chose him based on our conversation that day. And I wasn't wrong. This morning, after getting all the particulars out of the way for our "in-trust" agreement, he offered us some counselling. He said, "Buying a house is a very stressful thing. A reno is even more stressful. But it's just a house. Don't let your relationship suffer for it - it is, afterall, just a place you live. There will be others." It was exactly what we needed this morning. :: Cathy 9:10 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 :: Met up with Sara, girlfriend of the lead singer of The Free Press (not Sarah with an 'h'), at The Free Times Cafe. We had some dinner and chatted... she is totally in the same headspace as me. Must come from having a boyfriend in a band. Then, two of the guys from the band did an accoustic set there. It was great. I really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the performer after them, who had a violinist play with him. It was his first ever gig and he did really well. It's times like that - those intimate artsy stages - when I wish I had a talent to share with such a supportive crowd. They really were wonderful: many came up and thanked JD and Len and told them how wonderful they were. It was a proud moment. :: Cathy 8:05 PM [+] :: 0 comments Last night, Alex bought a new fancy TV. It's very nice and I'm sure he got a decent price for it. He asked me for advice on it, but it's a hard thing for me to give advice on for two reasons:
:: Cathy 8:43 AM [+] :: 5 comments :: Monday, May 08, 2006 :: A couple of announcements:
Not really an announcement, but I started reading Harry Potter on the weekend, The Half-Blood Prince. So far, pretty good. I love reading. Especially when I do it on Sunday mornings with my decaf coffee when it's still and quiet. It makes me feel so calm. :: Cathy 6:51 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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