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WebGoddessCathy |
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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, April 15, 2006 :: Home for Easter. The first long weekend of the summer (even though it's not summer yet). I love having a place to hang out on long weekends. My parents' house is so quiet and relaxed. It's a real vacation from the city. This weekend is especially great because Matt and Kendra and Will are all home as well. So we all get to hang out, talk, watch Star Trek: TNG episodes, sew (OK, that's mostly just my mom), eat, cut down trees, go for walks, and I'm working on my taxes a little so that I can get some help from my dad. We visited my aunt and uncles, whom I don't get to see all that much. As usual, it was loud and animated and way too much food, but good times. Now I should get back to my taxes or go pick out some material for my next quilt, or else get to that MoneySense magazine that I've been trying to get through before I leave tomorrow. The hardest part about long weekends is that they're always over too soon. :: Cathy 5:54 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, April 13, 2006 :: I'm quite fascinated by the things I find on the internet. I go on these long journeys... so long that I often can't remember how I got to my destination, nor is my destination probably what I intended. Tonight, I discovered that Technorati is crap. I mean, *I* find it unhelpful. It's supposed to be an "authority on what's going on in the world of blogs." It's a search engine of blogs. OK, great. But you know what? OTHER search engines search blogs as well as all the other informatin on the web. And who REALLY cares whether the information you want is actually in what someone considers a "blog" or whether it's in a plain old-fashioned website? I'll tell you what: *I* don't care. It seems to be a bit of a make-work project capitalizing on the popularization of a term. (I do admit that the company I work for is also trying to capitalize on the term "blog" because it's hip and happening and our company is so on the cutting edge. We'll see if their so-called blog ever ends up publishing something.) I digress. (This is much how my journeys go.) Anyway, while trying to find something useful and different about Technorati and slowly realizing that it's much like when I found out that a "podcast" was just an audio file, I found something ELSE that was interesting. The daily dose of imagery. It's this guy who lives in Toronto and posts a photo every day. Most days the photo is of Toronto (downtown, mostly) but sometimes he posts great shots he took in England or of some random cool thing that happened into his day. The guy takes some gorgeous photos. And the navigation of his site is sweet simple. I tried to figure out how to add this blog to my favourites and couldn't seem to do it. In trying however, I found another distraction... ... This site listed a top-10 list of blog faves. And he mentioned that this was his participation in a meme. So I now confess openly to all readers that I didn't know what a meme was. So, I of course had to look it up so that I could stop being blog-retarded. What did I find? What is a meme? I found that the daily meme is an unending supply of blog fodder. It's a set of questions to post and it's usually a viral thing: one person posts and another person reads and posts a variation on their blog, and so on and so on... Big whop. The memes are a little boring, if you ask me. But now I know and can stop feeling dumb when a know-it-all talks smugly about how they participate in memes. Now I can say, "Wow, you post questions on your blog. You're really hip all right. I guess you have trouble thinking of something to write all on your own." And then of course that person will hate me, but I can't handle people thowing around their cool terminology and thinking they're so "web 2.0". (I should mention that I'm also starting to hate the term "web 2.0".) What kind of a WebGoddess am I if I can't love the lingo and KNOW these new technologies and tools and customs and cultural/social Web fads? You know, maybe that's the problem: I don't like fads very much. Don't get me wrong: I appreciate a cool new idea. I like really good tools that help me do something. Flickr. Blogger or Wordpress (which is what I've been fooling around with at work and it's awesome). But I really can't seem to find a soft spot in my heart for the haute code-ture applications that rely on hype and techno-speak to remain clique-cool. :: Cathy 7:57 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 :: I've been doing more reading about blogging today so that I'll be even more helpful when I explain to others at work how to write a corporate blog. I'm writing up a bit of a training document for corporate blog writing (oxymoron?), although it feels really dumb to say "write conversationally, be concise, make it personal." I mean, anyone who's read a blog should know this, but I want to make sure that everyone understands. I'm guilty of underestimating what people understand sometimes. Anyway, in my research, I again happened on Technorati, which is a site that is a listing of blogs as well as a social spot for bloggers. I have NO idea why I've never set up a profile before, but here I go: Technorati Profile All this just so that I can set up a successful corporate blog. It's hard to believe that I get to do something that I love so much and get paid for it. :: Cathy 1:51 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, April 10, 2006 :: During Jaap's "Last Supper" a few hours ago, I remembered my rafting trip with him in New Zealand. I only reflected on it again because he's having some problems getting photos from an old travel-mate of his. I suddenly realized that I'd never really posted my rafting photos from the Kaikura in Rotorua. In fact, I totally called it when I posted them on Ofoto that it would take me at least a year to get them up on my site. Well, it's been two. And they're not on my site, they're on Flikr. They're low-res, so even those on lite-speed internet access will have no problem viewing them. At least now I can post some damn photos in my New Zealand travel section. PS: thanks to Jaap for inspiring me to do this update. :: Cathy 7:45 PM [+] :: 1 comments So the sad day came when Jaap had to leave Toronto. After work, I met him at Cha Liu, an all-day dim sum shop near my aparment at Yonge and Eglinton. I finally introduced him to dim sum. He said something that surprised me: he said he was sad to leave. He said he wasn't ready to leave yet. When you're travelling and you stay in one place for a long time, you often can feel it when it's time to leave. You're ready to move on. That's what happened with my when I left Sydney. I was done with it. Not so when I left Melbourne, however. So I guess I know how Jaap feels. I thought that he didn't really like Toronto, but I guess I was wrong. Although it's not the most beautiful city, he liked it because there were nice people here. And I'm not just flattering myself - he said it and I think he was talking about all of the people he met here. It's quite something to know people in a city when you're a traveller. It makes it almost feel like home. I hope that I was a good enough hostess that he will always have good memories of this city that I love. I hope I did it justice. I hope he comes back to visit. :: Cathy 6:40 PM [+] :: 1 comments :: Sunday, April 09, 2006 :: 9pm Sunday night. Dinner: cookies 'n' cream ice cream. Today's itinerary: - Wake up with migraine, read my Wish magazine in bed. - Make coffee. - Finish reading magazine, this time on the couch (Jaap is awake). - Eat yummy homemade granola. - Make yummy smoothies. - Check email. - Shower. - Dishes. - Walk from current apartment to new house. Probably 2 hours of walking. - Drop Jaap at subway station. - Proceed to Europa bakery on the Danforth to eat custard tarts and horrible decaf coffee. - Call everyone I've been meaning to call. - Check out prices in my "new" neighbourhood IGA. Conclusion: expensive. - Take subway home. - Pick up groceries instead at Dominion (also expensive). - Stop in at Chapters to read a kitchen book. - Learn about countertop and sink pros/cons. - Walk home. - Talk to boyfriend about IKEA outing. - Turn on Simon and Garfunkel. Sing. - Eat cookies 'n' cream ice cream while blogging. And singing. - Revel in the quiet. - Psych myself for cleaning the bathroom. I do love Sundays. :: Cathy 5:56 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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