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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, January 20, 2006 :: I just saw Brokeback Mountain and I now understand what all the Golden Globe fuss was about. It was one of the best love stories I've ever seen (or felt). And I didn't expect to be able to say that, even as open-minded as I am. :: Cathy 10:33 PM [+] :: 2 comments :: Thursday, January 19, 2006 :: I would like to announce that I made my first stock purchase this morning. I'm feeling pretty cool about it. I am a financial genius! (OK, Alex is, but he's a good teacher.) Thank you Ameritrade Canada! (And Alex.) :: Cathy 7:04 AM [+] :: 4 comments Thinking about buying some coffee? Get over to Starbucks - it's Latte for Literacy day! Buy any size latte and Starbucks will donate 100% of the purchase price to support literacy programs across Canada. If there are two things I believe in, it's coffee and literacy. (OK, and protecting the environment, but that's not on the table today. That was yesterday's rant.) So, even though I've made a concerted effort to curb my coffee spending, I'm taking my Starbucks card over there today and buying a medium decaf latte... I wonder if they'll donate the cost if I put a vanilla shot in it? Anyway, as if you needed a better reason to buy a latte! :: Cathy 7:00 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 :: I don't usually talk about politics. Mostly because I hate them and feel overwhelmed with sadness at the bleak situation. By that, I mean that there is so much a government can and should do and so very little of it done due to politics. However, even given my sense of futility, I must urge any Canadian who reads me to vote on Monday. However, I beg you not to contribute to the incredible conservative fad that's been raging lately. I don't understand it - I feel like I'm going through the US election all over again when GWB was re-elected. I didn't think that it could happen. I was sure that Americans had to be smarter than that. That they would be able to see through his absolutely transparent bull$*!t. But they weren't. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. And that's how I feel now. Every time I hear Harper speak, I shake my head thinking, "I can't believe that guy got this far." And yet he continues to bring more popularity to his party!? Who are we? Am I in Canada? Do you know that they don't want to support the Kyoto accord? I mean, sure, the agreement could have been better. It could have been stronger. But it's all we've got at a global level, driving us toward some standards. Yes, I know the States didn't agree with it. They were wrong and short-sighted. They're greedy - they don't want to place limits on the comforts and luxuries they've come to expect. Yes, I know that we're far from meeting the targets. Does that mean that they're not worthy? Instead of mocking them, they should be coming up with or supporting innovative solutions. I personally have read many ideas in the pages of Alternatives magazine; there are no shortage of them. That's what I want in a government: one that leads the population to help them do things that they cannot do by themselves. They have a responsibility to do so. Please don't allow the Conservatives to get into power. I know we're smarter than that. Don't let us be the Americans. Vote to make sure we're not. :: Cathy 5:19 PM [+] :: 1 comments ![]() Today was a good day. Any day can be a good day when you've got someone washing, massaging and fussing over your feet. And hands - let's not forget the hands! I'm very thankful for the sweet spa gift certificate from my awesome brothers. What a spa! I got to hang out in a fluffy white robe, drink tea, nibble biscotti and read fashion magazines while my nails dried. Nearby, a stream trickled by. It was truly a relaxing experience. And look at the beautiful job they did of my nails. All neat and trim and elegant. And you should see my sexy toes! I am beautiful! :: Cathy 4:47 PM [+] :: 2 comments It was a bad night. One of those times when I just could not wrestle my mind into positivity. One of those times when I was having trouble figuring out the whole point of life. Ya, one of those. But I got through it and this morning I'm feeling better already. Good thing today is my spa day. Good thing I'm already planning all the things I'm going to do today. A busy Cathy is a happy Cathy. Now off to shower. :: Cathy 5:52 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 :: It's official: I'm bored. And I'm never more unhappy than when I'm bored. Don't get me wrong, I have no end of things I could do. Just nothing I WANT to do or am EXCITED about doing. Today I went to see a couple of condos and one was very nice. I also talked to a mortgage broker and am getting that very important financial aspect going. Yay, good for me. I also went through all of the housing postings that were sent to me and evaluated them and sent back a bunch of the ones that interested me. That was a lot of work. And I ate a lot of chocolate. And last night I watched the Golden Globes (and did anyone else notice how much better the speeches are when they serve alchol?) But I've got a list of things to do here, right in front of me and they're just staring me in the face. Taunting me, almost. None of these seem overly taxing. In fact, some of them are downright FUN. Especially the shopping ones! And I can't seem to make them happen today. I guess it's time to just MAKE myself do something and maybe, just maybe, I'll start to feel better. Just by getting up and moving around. :: Cathy 5:55 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, January 16, 2006 :: I am never happier than when I'm productive. Even on vacation. Today, I have already: Seriously, if I don't stop being so efficient, I'll be bored by the end of the week. God I love time off. :: Cathy 12:39 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, January 15, 2006 :: After hours of looking through postings, I have found a place that I really like - no, I'm not linking to it, or you might go there and put in an offer before I even see it! Of course, this means that I will likely not get this place. However, it's the first one that I've seen in the postings that really spoke to me. I'll talk to my real estate agent about it tomorrow. This, after cancelling out of the hold that I put on a townhouse condo at the King Towns today. I am feeling very grown up. :: Cathy 9:28 PM [+] :: 0 comments So there's good news and there's good news. The good news is that the itinerary for my family ski trip to Calgary is all set. It's rigorous, but hopefully I will continue with my physical training plan so that I won't die out there. The best part is that I didn't have to do anything for it - my mom and my sister figured everything out. (You think I'M organized? You should meet my sister.) The GOOD news is that I leave on the same day as I have just purchased tickets for the Belle & Sebastian/New Pornographers concert! Why is this good news, you ask? Well, clearly this means that this is an opportunity for YOU to go to an awesome concert! I have a ticket for sale and several very cool ladies to go with. Basically, I've taken all the work out of it. Now you just have to show up! Email me quickly to let me know if you'd like to be the lucky one who ends up with the ticket - this hot item won't last long! (How was that for marketing? Do you feel manipulated yet?) :: Cathy 10:01 AM [+] :: 1 comments My last day at work passed on Friday. It was a little strange. It really didn't feel like the last day. I worked until 5pm - still not done all of the things that I would have liked to have done - and crammed a bunch of things from my desk into my bag. I jumped on the TTC to drop it all off at home before heading off to the "good-bye Cathy" party. We met at The Butler's Pantry on Markham St. and I gotta tell ya, that is a great restaurant. It's good, simple food at good prices. Really casual, but really cute. Markham St. might be my new favourite street. We ate and hung out for a while, chatting and drinking. Finally, we headed out for a more loungey feel and ended up Ciao Edie, just down the street on College. Also a great place. More martinis and a couple of shots. Drunken conversations, dancing. It was really nice to hang out - although we did probably talk about work too much. But what else can you expect from people who work together? And then I took Alex home as he'd had a long, hard day and had already fallen asleep on the couch, poor guy. So now all I have left is to go in for a Congee Star lunch next week and finish cleaning out my desk. And that will be that. I will definitely keep in touch with some of those people because they are great. I can only hope that I'll meet as talented people at my new job. And now for my action-packed week off... Let the games begin! :: Cathy 9:49 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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