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WebGoddessCathy |
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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, May 01, 2004 :: Just woke up to a call from Australia! I love it when people call me! I LOVE my mobile! LOVE LOVE LOVE. How did I EVER live without one? I woke up confused, however, because I stayed at Tree's house last night after a big night out at the bar. My mom had visited me in Aurora yesterday for lunch and so I could sign my taxes (my dad did them; he's the smartest!). Mom drove me downtown via a circuitous route, as we were looking at places for sublet. She dropped me at my friend Anita's house. Anita's a great photographer whom I lived with in university for three years. She's looking so amazing! It was so nice to talk to her. Then I went to the Infinet going-away party for JT. I can't believe I hired him so many years ago! He's going freelance now, which is a brave move. Of course I talked to lots of other Infinauts about what's going on in their lives, too. I became the blabbering idiot, as always! God, I need to stop doing that! Tree convinced me to go out to the Phoenix, a nightclub we used to go to when we were in university. I have no money, but at least there was no cover charge and I figured I could just dance the night away instead of drinking my face off. I did both. I keep forgetting how much I love dancing. And how much I hate it when people try to touch me on the dance floor. Ew. Tree actually decked a guy who grabbed her ass. I laughed guiltily as he fell to the floor. Why do guys do that? We ended up home at something like 3am and I fell into bed. I mean, there was no way I could get back to Aurora at that time. But this all brings us back to me waking up to my phone ringing, confused. With make up smudged under my eyes and my hair the most wild and curly ever. (Well, except for the time when... uh, nevermind.) And now I'm sitting listening to the sound of kids shrieking and parents cheering and whistles blowing over in the park, wishing I could join them, but realizing that I have no clothes. Hm. Time to go home! I hope the Go Bus driver doesn't notice how amazing my hair is this morning... :: Cathy 6:42 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, April 29, 2004 :: Some days are so full, I forget where it all started.... I dropped by my old workplace and said hello to my former boss who asked me where I'd been. Sigh. "How long have you been gone?" he asked. Sigh. Then I joined everyone at the going-away lunch for a guy I hired so many years ago. He's now married, owns a house and, I just found out, has a kid on the way. Did I mention that my friend Tanya called me last night to tell me that her and her fiance have just bought a house in the Beaches? On my way to an afternoon coffee with my friend Scott, I run into Joe... an original co-worker, almost like a brother to me, really. He tells me that he and his partner have split up, and that he's moving back home with his mom, but that he still sees his child... I'm trying not to think about how much younger Joe is... I suddenly feel that I'm not old at all. And then, there I am, talking to Scott in the coffee shop about his upcoming wedding, my new job, his honeymoon. It's great. But it's weird. Everyone's either married or getting married, or having babies or buying houses. I'm just excited to have a regular job. I'm thinking I might sublet from a uni student for the summer because I don't have enough money for first and last month's rent. "It doesn't make us better than you," Scott says. "We just chose a different path." Different, indeed. And then I'm off to George Brown College to register for and attend my Marketing Strategies course. The teacher is eccentric and talks more than I do. Which is a feat, I can assure you. I meet a really interesting Finnish girl in my class and we talk about advertising leaflets and I choose my business for which I'm going to create a marketing plan: a hostel. How very adventurous of me. I'm excited about it; I'm excited about being a student again. I'm excited about the appointments that I've just made to look at summer sublets that I've found in the paper while waiting for class to begin. After class, I rush off to meet Sarah at HotDocs. We watch "Arna's Children", an Israeli/Dutch documentary that shows me what a sheltered life I live; what a lucky, carefree childhood I had. I cannot imagine living in a place where people I love die as a matter of course. Where one speaks of dying or killing or suiciding as easily as, say, a bad haircut. They discuss whether it is better to die or to surrender. These are the choices they must make. Tomorrow I will choose whether to where jeans or black pants; whether to wear my hair up or down. But somehow, I ended up walking home to this lovely 3-bdrm townhouse in the middle of the suburbs at 1:30am, just to pat the purring cat who came running to greet me as I opened the front door. And only now, when I open up the laptop to tell of my amazing day, do I remember that they sent my contract this morning! I allow myself to feel happy and thankful that this is my reality. :: Cathy 11:17 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 :: WebGoddessCathy: Now in new and improved "employed" flavour! :: Cathy 9:15 AM [+] :: 0 comments So yesterday I read about a drug that's recently been discovered to help control Restless Leg Syndrome. And I got all excited, because my mom suffers from this affliction. So I started looking around the Web for information so I could send the article to my mom. And I discovered that it was actually quite difficult to find this article. The company who makes the drug, Eli Lilly, doesn't even have it on their site! And I got a little embarrassed because I actually help make that site! Nor does Amarin/Valeant, the company who's marketing the drug, have this information on their site! I can't believe it! But I also realized that this information isn't really front-page-newsworthy. It's not really NEWS that those with Restless Leg Syndrome can used the drugs used by Parkinson's disease sufferers. It's just new that they've recently proved the alternate usage of Peroglide. Big deal. And now I got all excited for nothing. I had hoped that they had solved my mom's problem. Now THAT would be news! :: Cathy 9:08 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, April 26, 2004 :: It was a great weekend. On Saturday, I woke up, made myself a pot of tea and read my book, checked my emails and looked at job postings. I talked to my dad on the phone about my taxes. I went for a bike ride around Aurora. Cooled down on the front lawn by reading my book, "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan". Mom came over on Saturday night. We went out for dinner: Purple Pig ribs! MMMmmmm! Then we came back to the house for a glass of nice wine and watched Almost Famous before going to bed. Woke up and had a leisurely morning, drinking coffee and tea and eating boiled egg toasts. Then we set off in the rain for the Cancer Ride n Stride event. Me, Matt and Mom ran/walked 5k in the rain! But I won a t-shirt and raised $140! Thanks to all those who supported me!! We went shopping for dry clothes before going for a bit of dinner and then driving home. It was such a lovely weekend. :: Cathy 5:32 PM [+] :: 0 comments I just got a very interesting email from a friend living oceans away. It was an answer to the perplexing "where do I see myself in five years" question that I don't seem able to answer clearly. In the end, it doesn't really matter how I answer it. I don't have to get upset that I can't form a complete picture of what five years from now looks like. I just have to figure out what's important to me... "Is seeing the world and living out your dreams to the max more important than what the boss thinks or what your friends drive or spend on a suit or furniture?... the happiest people from what I found always tend to be the ones who stay focused on what is most important to them..."Coming home is a bit weird for me due to my perception of what others expect of me. Which is, of course, directly related to what I expect of myself. I have to stay focussed, however. I do know what I like: And THAT's what I'll be doing in five years. What do you want to be doing? :: Cathy 5:25 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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