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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, April 03, 2004 :: Staying at Alex's. Off shopping with Matt tomorrow. Then staying with Tree tomorrow night. I've been shopping and to the movies and dinner with Raye today, which was nice. Then webgeeking tonight because I had so many emails to catch up on. It's been grey and rainy all day, but it was SUCH a great day that it doesn't matter. Although I wish there were more hours in the day so that I could spend as much time with friends as I want AND keep in touch with all my other friends online AND do all the things that I want to do (like update my website, among a zillion other things)... Time springs forward tonight... or already has, I guess. We're in daylight savings time now. I forgot about this. I hope Matt remembers when he thinks about meeting me at the mall tomorrow. I really really need a mobile. And an apartment. And a job. Or else a sugar-daddy... :: Cathy 10:43 PM [+] :: 0 comments Just quickly, I'm off to shop with Raye. My party last night was GREAT!! But now I'm hung over, but at least I'm going shopping and then MORE shopping tomorrow with my brother, Matt. YAY! I loved seeing my friends, it was so nice! :: Cathy 10:38 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, April 01, 2004 :: Back from Ottawa. Back to the dreary grey that is Everett. AND it's raining. Ugh. Oh well! I'm off to visit Ev today and see her new baby, Jude. Should be fun! Tomorrow is my welcome home party in Toronto. I can't wait to see everyone! Just have to try on all my clothes to see what fits, pack, and get everything out to Toronto. Almost got a new phone last night. Turns out the one from Australia doesn't work here at all. Sad story. But I'll be getting a new one soon. :: Cathy 6:04 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 :: So I met up with Emilie yesterday. It was really nice. We talked for hours about Australia and life and I was really happy to meet her before she left. I'm really jealous that she's about to leave for Australia for 2 years and I'm... well, here. Don't get me wrong: Canada is beautiful and I love my family and I'm even having a nice time being home. But it's not like being there. I woke up early again this morning, made myself a pot of Earl Grey tea and read my National Geographic Traveler magazine. I got so excited about some of the stories that I read in there. I just wanted to get up and go again. But I have no money and I really do want to see my friends and have a bit of an exciting life here for a while. So, I have to ignore that feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me how little time I have to do all the trips I wanna do... Last night Will and I visited my cousin, his partner and their baby here in Ottawa. The baby, Balin, is SO big now! Last time I saw him, though, he was just born! Just goes to show how much can happen in a year. He's such a cute kid! So active and happy! He's only 1 and 1/2 years old and he's already figured out what a digital camera is. He got so excited when I took mine out. He started posing and reaching for it so he could see the photo I'd taken. Kids amaze me; they are such complete miracles. Today I'm taking the bus back to Toronto at 2:30pm so that my mom can pick me up and take me home again. I'm planning to visit another old friend of mine who had a baby while I was gone. Can't wait! I get a little teensy bit jealous of all these people with cute babies... Maybe I can convince Will and Lisa to have a baby soon. Well, I'm on my way now to meet Lisa in the city so that we can go to the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography. Maybe I can just drop that hint into the conversation... ie: "So, Lisa, how 'bout popping out some puppies?" No? :: Cathy 7:42 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 :: It's a sunny, crisp day in Ottawa/Hull and there is still ice/snow on the canal. I'm online at the local library/bibliotheque (where I also read a very interesting article in my favourite magazine, Scientific American). French keyboards are a little different here, so bear with me. I'm meeting up with Émilie this afternoon, meeting up with her in the Byward Market. I'm staying with Will here at his place in Hull (just across the river from Ottawa). We drove out yesterday along a beautiful backcounty route. I couldn't believe how scenic it was! Quite a long drive, of course, but I suppose I'm used to driving long distances. On the drive out, I had several moments of panic when I thought we were on the wrong side of the road. But however bad a driver my brother might be, he's not that bad. I'm still getting used to looking right when I cross the road. And still saying things like "toilet" instead of "bathroom", "washing powder" instead of "laundry detergent", and no one seems to know what a "POM" is. We had dinner at Will's girlfriend Lisa's house (at the Rounding's house). The Roundings are so nice! Lisa's parents, Anne and Mark, showed me pictures of their trip to St. Maarten, where they stayed in my timeshare. They had lovely photos and really seemed to enjoy it, which made me happy. Sadly, I started to get tired even as they served a yummy fajita dinner. I HATE JETLAG! Of course, the glasses of wine didn't help much. So, it was off to bed at 9pm, only to awake at 3am! I repeat: I HATE JETLAG! I've started wondering if maybe I should move to Ottawa. I'd really like to improve my French. I had the chance to use my French three times while away in Australia/NZ and I was surprised at how much I remembered as well as how much I forgot. I just keep thinking about where I'm going next and what exciting adventures life has in store for me.... :: Cathy 8:12 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, March 28, 2004 :: Just a quick post before I go for my shower here at my mom's friend's place... Being home with my brothers has been EXCELLENT! I can't believe how much I've missed them and Kendra. I'm still working on my scrapbook, but I'm still working on Sydney, only a month into my trip. It's slow-going. Especially when my cat is being so cute. And when Matt wants to go shopping. I've missed shopping with him. Tomorrow, I'm off to get another test done at the hospital and then I'm going with Will to Ottawa for a couple of days. Should be fun! :: Cathy 10:59 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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