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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, April 12, 2003 :: Sad Girl. Apparently, I've missed the call from my family! I don't know how it happened, as we planned the time and everything. Disappointing. However, I just got a call from my sister. YAY! Last night, I went out with Femke and her Irish friend, Helen, who is just finishing her year in Australia. She told me lots of great stuff and told me not to worry about getting into debt while I'm here. Femke and I walked all over, looking for a place to go dancing. It seems that all the pubs close down at midnight! So we came back to our house and ate peanut butter sandwiches and talked about our lives and loves at home. It was nice. Today I've been looking into travel options around Sydney and how to get up the coast in June. I think I'll go to the travel agent on Monday about it all just to cheer myself up about the great adventures in my future! Now, I'm off to Paddy's market for some groceries. Tonight I'm going to a BBQ in Bondi Beach with Femke's friends. FUN! :: Cathy 10:33 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Friday, April 11, 2003 :: A couple things:
:: Cathy 8:16 AM [+] :: 0 comments Darling Harbour is a beautiful, touristy place. Dong suddenly remembered that he knows a guy who runs a fish restaurant there in Cockle Bay Wharf, and took Femke and I to meet him. The guy said he might be looking for some waitressing help, for the right experienced person, so I am CLEARLY that person! I'm sending him my lovely resume tonight. I will be the best, most friendly, most loved waitress in all of Sydney! Or maybe I will at least get to meet a few people anyway. Took the ferry under the Harbour Bridge to Circular Quay. Another beautiful spot, full of shops and restaurants as well. Walked up to the Opera House. The "No War" graffiti has been scrubbed off, unfortunately. I picked up a brochure of all the shows there and I hope to be able to attend at least ONE show. "Hair" is also opening in Sydney at the Capitol Theatre. I'd like to see that as well. We walked around a district called The Rocks. It's so cute with the narrow back alley garden terraces and the bakeries and pubs and tourist shops. I love it there and will definitely go back. Maybe I need a job at a bakery, though, since I am clearly in LOVE with food. I think that would be a bad idea for my health, sadly. Then Dong and Femke decided to take the bus back. I wanted to walk. So Dong directed me to the walk back through the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Domain and Hyde Parks (all connected). I picked up a Lamington on the way, since I'd never heard of one before and it looked good. It was kind of disappointing, being just a piece of white cake with a chocolate icing covering and then rolled in coconut. I mean, don't get me wrong. It was good, but not as good as it looked like it was going to be. I'm going to write about the gardens in my journal, I think. I'm almost done my first journal, actually. If you think that I've been writing a lot in my web site, you should see my offline journal! I would also like to thank the people who have written to me saying that they enjoy reading my site. I'm embarassed to admit how flattered I am to hear that. I have always wanted to be a performer. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, in that I love attention. However, I was never actually GOOD at anything (singing, dancing, acting, playing an instrument) that would get me on stage. So maybe the Web can be my stage. I appreciate all the nice words of encouragement, anyway. Love to all! :: Cathy 3:54 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, April 10, 2003 :: Went out to Salsa night at the local bar. News flash: I cannot dance. At least, I can't dance salsa. I looked and felt a bit foolish. However, everyone else looked BEAUTIFUL! People that can Salsa are sexy. Even if they're not actually attractive. So that leaves me out. Although I did get a few offers from less-than-desirable men. And I did dance with a couple of guys. I was hopeless. Next week, I'm going to the lesson beforehand. I really would like to learn. Femke and I were invited to a salsa party on Saturday. She can dance, though. She says she can't, but CLEARLY she can. We were also invited out tonight (Friday) to another bar/club. Also last night, Femke and I did a trial class of "body pump" at the local gym. I might be joining the gym. It always makes me feel better to exercise. I'm also thinking of doing a "learn-to-surf" day trip. Trying to decide between that and a trip to Kangaroo Valley or a 2-day trip to the Blue Mountains. Maybe all of the above? Maybe I should get a job first! Today I'm off to Darling Harbour to explore. :: Cathy 8:08 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 :: It's downpouring right now. So I can do email and update my site instead of going out to check out the gym that I was going to check out with Famke. It should stop in a minute, I'm sure, or the skies will be drained for years to come. Australia is in permanent water-conservation-mode due to draughts. To that end, their toilets (ALL of their toilets) have low water and have two flush settings: 1/2 for little jobs and full flush for the big jobs. I think that's a great idea and we should have that in N. America too. We're too spoiled and used to having water... well, not my parents, who have their own well, but everyone else is. The transit system is also way better than Toronto's. It reaches much further out into the suburbs. The trains are much like the GO Trains, only cheaper and go to a wider variety of locations. They also have a bus, monorail, light rail, and ferry system. All very good. And necessary: there are no highways going into the city, so it takes forever to get to the city centre by car. The rain has stopped, as predicted. Off I go... :: Cathy 7:52 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 :: First post from my new "home". I'm glad I didn't take more than what I have, as even carrying that much killed me, coming here. Maybe a wheelable suitcase/backpack would have been a good option afterall! Hindsight is 20/20. Got a call from Alex this afternoon. It was nice to hear from him and to have him be able to share his latest girl stories, just as if I were in Toronto. Of course, for me it was the Wednesday afternoon and for him, that day hadn't even started yet. That continually amazes me. Last night I went out to a really nice place for dinner in King's Cross, called "Bed". Kings Cross is supposed to be the red light district of the city, and I guess there were a lot of weirdos hanging around. But generally, it wasn't bad. Of course, I was with a group of people, so that probably helped. It was nice to go out with other travellers. It was with Famke, my new roommate, and her Dutch friends Karen and Suzan. They are all stunning, so I sat there feeling a little like the ugly duckling, sipping my wine. I had yummy Barramundi (white fish) for dinner. It all meant that I got home very late to Gosford, woke up late, packed my things and went to Turramurra to pick up all the rest of my things. Then I trekked here and, well. Here I am. A little nervous. Must get to the bank to get my bond money (like last month's rent only instead of giving it back to you, they refund it to you at the end of the stay). I hope that I can actually get money out of the bank with my bank card. If not, I'm sure I can figure out what to do. Still no job. Which means that I now have to get back to working on that. Stop distracting me! :: Cathy 10:54 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, April 07, 2003 :: Another day, another web cafe. Would like to report that I think I have a place to stay in Sydney city. I've been staying north of the city in either Gosford (with Sonal) or Turramurra (with the Plain family). Both have been wonderfully nice to me, but it's time to get independent. This place is about 10 minutes walk from Central Station. I would share the room with a Dutch girl named Famke (whom I just met today at Starbucks and she's a lovely girl on a year-long round-the-world-tour). We'd also share the bathroom. But there are 4 others in the house, all great people. Reasonable price ($140/wk) and clean and safe. AND it has free Internet access! I also looked into banks today and just have to figure out which one is best for me and then get a job to put some money into it! Tonight I'm going out with Famke and her friends for dinner and a movie, so that should be fun. Yesterday, I got "home" to Gosford really late (10pm?) after a whirlwind day in the city looking at different places. CRAZY DAY. Today is much more relaxed. I got my FIRST phone call from Canada this afternoon from Al. It made me feel a little less lonely. So a big thanks to him for that. I hear that it's snowing over there... SUCKERS! It's about 24 degrees here, although cloudy. I'm wearing a skirt and sandals. Although I'm STILL having a bad hair week. AT least I didn't pay $50 to have a bad hair day like my sister who emailed me about it yesterday. I have to go apply for more temp jobs now! Miss me! :: Cathy 11:18 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, April 06, 2003 :: At a web cafe (well, nothing really cafe-ish about the place, I guess). Saw a nice place this morning. 5 more places to go. Sent some resumes out to temping agencies. Finding a job is tough going. Any suggestions? I know, Scott Selby already suggested that I work as a waitress at a nudie bar, so I'm already aware of that suggestion, thanks. On the weekend, Sonal and Ryan and I went to an RSL, which is basically a casino with ONLY slot machines. I lost $5. But it was interesting. All the locals were out. Gosford locals tend to be a little like northern-Ontario locals. If you know what I mean. Andy should. Still feeling a bit like a stranger here. Sonal and Ryan have been SUPER nice and so have the Plains and I did go around with Susan on Friday and met her friend Nessa from Ireland... everyone is so great. But no close friends. Haven't had time to do fun things on my own yet, either, so that means I'm not much enjoying my time alone. I'm sure it'll be better once I get everything sorted out. I should also find a bank today. I also seem destined to have bad hair days EVERY single day I'm here. Could be worse, I guess. At least the weather has cooperated. It's beautiful out today! Like Ontario in early fall. Perfect. Time's almost up here. Gotta go! :: Cathy 8:28 PM [+] :: 0 comments Well, my migraine is finally gone. And it's only been 6 days!! Had a lovely weekend with my friend Sonal in Gosford (about an hour or more north of Sydney). Sonal, her boyfriend Ryan, and I went for a couple of beautiful drives. We ate fish and chips on the beach. We went mini putting. It was great fun! I have a cell phone now!! Yay! Today I have 7 appointments to see different places to live. I hope something turns out to be liveable! :: Cathy 4:11 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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