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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Friday, March 21, 2003 ::
Still sick.

I don't have time to be sick! I still have to pack, move, figure out my laptop, send out all those last minute emails, pass off my contract work.

I've decided that my dad will have to finish my taxes. NO TIME. Tony convinced me of this last night when I had dinner with him, Brian and Scott at Rain. Amazing dinner. They are ridiculous and totally took my mind off of everything.

I won't be able to launch ALL the sections of my site, either. Well, my millions AND MILLIONS of fans will have to wait for those updates.

2 more sleeps.

:: Cathy 5:22 AM [+] :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, March 20, 2003 ::
I am sick.

Why do the gods punish me??

Last night, went to my last DINE meeting (a women's dinner club, with members like Tree). And I told my stories, as usual. But I started listening to myself. I think I've become a MAN.

Now, I'm thinking maybe the gods are punishing me because I've got too much testosterone. Well, I'd like to let them know that I'm having ENOUGH problems with the raging hormones, thanks.

So stop it.

3 more sleeps.

:: Cathy 7:51 AM [+] :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 ::
Relaunched the site today. Yippee! I'm not "happy" with it, but I never will be so that's just something I will have to live with.

Now it is time to go to bed as I'm so tired I don't feel attached to my own body. That's what you get for never sleeping. Damn boys being so cute and web sites being so interesting to make and life-long dreams being so hard to plan! It's all messing with my sleep. Well, plenty of time to sleep on the plane. 4 more sleeps....

:: Cathy 10:01 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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