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    > 2002





<!-- June 17, 2003 -->

From: Ann Vergunst
Subject: dancing

Your piece on the little girl unselfconsciously dancing in the aisle was great. I remember the first time you watched Brother Peter directing the choir in Sarnia when we were visiting grandma. You got into the spirit & directed too, with GUSTO... Made everyone around us smile too. Apropos for a church that advocates "suffer the little children ...."

Guess that is why primary grade talent shows were so great in the lower grades.. I know we loved them. You were a natural actress at that time & a good 'emoter' cause you had no worries about anyone else's opinion. That's also why you wore purple velour skirts with orange sparkle shirts and KNEW in your heart you were gorgeous, which of course you were.

In this job (*note* she is a discharge planner at a hospital -cb), I notice that older people become the same way: less caring of what others think & saying whatever comes into their head, wearing whatever cause they don't care that it's not 'in'. (Your dad has always been that way with clothes)... Too bad we assume they are nuts rather than that they are less self-conscious.

my journal

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