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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, December 01, 2006 :: I am in love with Starbucks' London Fogs. Seriously, I cannot get enough of them. I am an addict. It's quite disgusting. On the positive side, it becomes a lot easier to decide what to get me for Christmas: Starbucks cards! Note that I have added this to my Christmas Wish List. Yummy. :: Cathy 1:26 PM [+] :: 0 comments I've been struggling with how to write about this - I feel like anything I say will not be enough. This week, after my trip to Ottawa on the weekend, my brother Will sent out an email to my family inviting them to come together one weekend in the new year and help me with some of my house projects. The email was just titled "help Cath" and when I read it I just wanted to cry because I was so touched by it. I'm almost overwhelmed that they would do this for me. Certainly, there are many things that need to be done on my house. And goodness knows that I've been busy the past couple of weeks/months and that, in many cases, I just really have no idea where to start on certain tasks. And I'm bad about starting something in the absence of a second person to motivate or support or even just confirm my idea of what I'm doing. I started thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing family. I have always been aware of this, but I felt so warm inside suddenly, to know that I had people I could turn to and depend on for support. I have been feeling like I ask them for too much, lately. I don't have a car and have to bum rides off of everyone, for one thing. I ask my dad for gardening help and my mom for sewing assistance. And they have never complained to me about it. And now this - I feel that I don't deserve it. But I am tearfully about happy about it, nonetheless. And I hope that there is something, someday that I can do that will express to all of them how much I appreciate it. :: Cathy 5:42 AM [+] :: 3 comments :: Thursday, November 30, 2006 :: ~ puts on Domestic Goddess hat ~ Goodness - HBC is having an awesome sale on high quality sheet sets. (Thanks Sara, for letting me know!) You may know that I'm asking for awesome sheets for Christmas. Check out my Christmas list here: http://webgoddesscathy.spaces.live.com So, I'm looking at these ones:
OK, maybe not the second - that's too much for a set of sheets that will likely get stained in about a month. Anyway, the dilemma is: do I get the sheets even though they're on my Christmas list and maybe some has already bought them or they want to buy them for me? And maybe they'll be able to get a better colour (is white really practical? I just realized they have a weird design on them - do I really want that?). I suppose I could always bring them back if I don't open them. Also, they don't have any double sheet sets - boo! I actually sleep in the double bed now (though that's probably too much information) so should I really be concerned with getting queen sheets? Thoughts? :: Cathy 6:25 AM [+] :: 3 comments :: Monday, November 27, 2006 :: The gutters are done! I have a migraine, so I stayed home today. It just so happened that it was also the day that the gutter guy came. So I could explain what I wanted and get his opinion about attic ventilation. And I got to talk to my handy neighbour about our insulation and attic ventilation project that I'm going to start this weekend. This sick day turned out to be a somewhat productive day. At least I have some next steps for my attic ventilation dilemma. It will probably wait until the spring. AND I got to talk to my brother-in-law and found out he works for a company that sells some supplies that I need for my attic insulation project and he's bringing me the stuff on Saturday! I even managed to do a lot of stuff remotely for work. And, moving slowly, washed a huge pile of dishes, took out my annuals and replaced them with the mums from Matt's wedding, because it was such a mild day and I needed air anyway. You know, sometimes, I swear that if you just don't fight life (and that means being sick when you're sick), good things will happen. :: Cathy 11:01 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, November 26, 2006 :: I'm just back from Ottawa. Went with my mom and dad to visit my brother, Will. A bit of a long trip, but we really don't get to see him all that often. Sadly, I was getting over a migraine and managed to contract another. On the OTHER side of my head. Oi, these things get annoying. Interfere with everything. We stayed in a Travelodge for the night. Now, Travelodges aren't the nicest hotels, but I really like staying in hotels sometimes. I reveled in the brilliant white, clean smelling towels. The clean tub which I took a long hot bath in. The dark room. The lobby where I could pick up whatever toiletry I'd forgotten. The big bed all to myself. But mostly the bath. God, do I miss having a nice hot bath. Yes, I have a bathtub, but it's kind of gross. The caulking needs to be redone. (The whole bathroom needs to be redone, but that's another story, for another year.) Actually, that quite set the scene for much of what I talked about on the trip: my house. I made a list of the things I need to do. I stressed a little bit. But I feel better suddenly. Maybe it's the list. Maybe it's because when my parents dropped me off, my dad fixed the door threshold and I installed the insulation behind the outlets. Maybe it's because we looked at the ventilation in the attic and thought about how we could increase it and I have some concrete options to consider. Maybe it's because my dad took a look at the plumbing in my basement bathroom and told me we can fix it with his soldering gun or whatever. Or maybe it's the bag of clothing that I sent my mom home with so that she can find a better home for them. I don't know. I just like getting things done. It might just be the list that I wrote up that makes me feel better. (Goodness knows why -- it's long enough to scare anyone.) But I'm pretty confident that it's about the insulation that I put in the outlets and the door threshold. And my resolve to choose one thing every day this week and just DO it. :: Cathy 7:48 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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