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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Thursday, September 28, 2006 :: There's nothing I dislike more than jargon or corporatese. UGH! Who likes that stuff? Who got up one day and thought, "I should speak and write in a manner that no one will actually understand so that I can pretend I know what a lot of big words mean" ? Seriously, people! I know you know someone who communicates this way. They say things like "co-location of target communities of science, business and capital—communities energized and engaged by catalytic programs and services and structured networks" and think that people are bobbing their heads emphatically because they understand and agree -- instead of just to hide the fact that they nodded off. Whatever happened to short, concise sentences? To meaningful, straightforward words? They've been lost - buried by the suits who believe that "Taurus excreta cerebrum vincit" (bullshit baffles brains). And now for those who have one of these people at work:
Just press "enter" and you'll be able to contribute to the stupid corporatese conversations coming soon to a boardroom near you. :: Cathy 1:15 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 :: I'm experiencing an exceptional frequency of coincidences today. Nothing earth shattering, just, you know, I'm hungry and food shows up. Or I'm talking about someone I haven't thought about in months, thinking I should reconnect and they email me about 5 minutes later. Finally, I'm updating a Post-Doc Application from the Royal Society on our website. And someone sends me a notice that the complete archive of the UK Royal Society's journals, which stretches back over 300 years, has been put on-line, and that, until December 2006 access to this remarkable collection of almost 60,000 articles will be free of charge. Obviously, this needs to go on our website. And my browser is already there, just waiting to download their logo to post with the story that I'm about to put up. Seriously, the last time I've been to the Royal Society's website? Probably when I started working here. Weird stuff. Anyway, if you think our excitement over the Royal Society's free downloads, consider some of the amazing things you can access:
:: Cathy 12:24 PM [+] :: 0 comments Today I'm wearing a pair of pants that I haven't worn since before I went to Australia. That's about three and a half years since I was fit enough to wear these sexy pants! Even better, I got a better-than-average "you look nice today" from Alex, who asked, "oh my gosh, are you MY girlfriend?" Nothing like something like that to make you feel good. Cycling certainly has advantages that make the sweating on the way to work worthwhile. :: Cathy 7:27 AM [+] :: 1 comments :: Monday, September 25, 2006 :: Alex is home from Europe tomorrow! I guess I've had enough of a quiet house. Although I'm not quite ready for the TV to go back on. But right about now I'm really wishing I had someone who would take out the recycling for me... :: Cathy 7:06 PM [+] :: 0 comments Just had my first experience of cycling home in the rain. Ew. You know, so many times, I've left my bike at work thinking it was supposed to rain and then I got home and was mad cuz it DIDN'T rain. This time, I thought, "for sure it's not going to rain, I'll be fine." Of course, it didn't just rain, it POURED. It was cold cold cold and stung and I regretted choosing a dress today (even though it's my new favourite cute brown dress with white polka dots). But, you know, it could have been worse. At least I'm home now and can warm up with maybe a hot chocolate after I eat my late dinner of MaRS potato salad. And I can cuddle up in the cozy blanket that Alex bought me for Christmas two years ago while I work on the report that I have to write tonight. While I ignore the tasks that I had set aside for me to do tonight so I can write a report for work. Boo, but yay for cozy things like flannel PJs and steaming mugs of cocoa. :: Cathy 5:13 PM [+] :: 1 comments :: Sunday, September 24, 2006 :: Decided to go home with my mom, sort of last-minute last night. She'd been in Toronto to go fabric shopping. I decided on some curtain material for our master bedroom, bought most of the material and I'm waiting til Alex gets home to buy the rest. He SAYS he doesn't care, but he does. Anyway, he's still in Europe now (Amsterdam, actually) and I just wanted to get away from the house for a bit. I think he comes home tomorrow. He was in Austria for work and stayed a couple of extra days and decided to go to Amsterdam. I can't figure that out. Why wouldn't he go somewhere closer? I mean, he's only there for a couple of days (Saturday, Sunday). He's spending most of his time on a train. And when Prague and Budapest are so close by? Why would he do that? It's a mystery. (Actually, I'm pretty sure I know why, although I think he will deny it if we ask...) :: Cathy 8:56 AM [+] :: 0 comments |