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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, September 14, 2006 ::
Spending all night working.

You'd think it was horrible. Such a sad story, right? Especially since I'm STILL sick.

But no, I am munching on my mom's spice cookies, drinking hot chocolate in my flannel PJs while Jack Johnson plays in the otherwise quiet house.

I am suddenly transported back to that Audi, driving around with Jaap in New Zealand.

My head bobs to the groove. A smile creeps its way into my face.

The monotonous work continues, almost unnoticed.

:: Cathy 6:45 PM [+] :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ::
Under the category of "Little-Known Fun Stuff to Do" is the Toronto Trails Festival.

Seriously, who wants to go do some light hiking in Toronto?

I'm very happy with myself that I put a reminder in my calendar from last year (when I actually found it AFTER the event had already passed - BOO!).

I hope to do at least one of the hikes to see what it's like this year. I'm hoping that I'll stop feeling so crappy so that I can enjoy it too.

Right about now I feel like trash. Throat, head, stomach... all conspiring against me. Ugh.

:: Cathy 10:29 PM [+] :: 0 comments

:: Monday, September 11, 2006 ::

Toronto Film Festival 2006
Originally uploaded by amnesic_kid.
Managed to get to a film festival movie last night for free! I really do love going to at least one every year.

This year it was "The Pleasure of Your Company".

I knew nothing about the film before I arrived. I invited my favourite film festival buddy, Sarah. She knew nothing about the film, either. And we both loved it!

Great comedic timing, the awkwardness was palpable, and I actually laughed out loud, which is unusual for me (Alex will attest to that). Apparently, it was low budget, but it totally didn't seem like it. It was very well done.

Yes, it was romantically cheesey ridiculous. Don't expect anything less. But you will laugh. Try not to read anything else about it before you go see it.

After the showing, we were interviewed by Starz TV about the movie. If you subscribe, you might get to see my famous TV appearance!

I found that the Q&A session that followed the movie was almost better. The director/writer and Jason Biggs were actually even funnier in person. Congrats to them on getting me to laugh!

:: Cathy 9:01 AM [+] :: 0 comments

Inline skating at Ashbridges Bay
Originally uploaded by webgoddesscathy.
Mom and I went inline skating yesterday at The Beach, starting at Ashbridges Bay. It was the first time I've actually explored the trails in that area and it was a perfect spot (especially if you have a car or live nearby).

Gorgeous weather, some smooth trails, it hardly seemed like we were in Toronto at all. We felt like we were on vacation. Wondered why we don't do stuff like this more often.

Actually, the Martin Goodman Trail was great until we decided to check out Tommy Thompson park. I'll tell you, that's a definite skip for next time. Not so pretty, really. And the path is pretty rough.

My legs are pretty sore and I'm even more convinced that I need to get new inline skates. I have the gift certificate to get them, I just haven't found the right pair for the right price.

:: Cathy 8:41 AM [+] :: 0 comments

Logan Movers: the moving company that cheated me

Judging by the number of emails and comments on our blogs, CityRat and I reckon that we have cost Logan Movers thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

Read up on the saga:

A couple of people have worked together to figure out what we can do to legally ensure that they can't hurt other people this way. Keep your receipt or invoice from Logan Movers and email me to find out what you can do!

:: Cathy 7:47 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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