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WebGoddessCathy |
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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, July 29, 2006 :: After work last night, I came straight home and started working.
There are still more things that I want to get done today. But if they don't, I won't worry too much. Instead, I shall try to enjoy the company of my friends and family and not try to belabour that I did EVERYTHING. I will figure out how to NOT be bitter about this. My house looks pretty! :: Cathy 6:22 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Friday, July 28, 2006 :: Just fell asleep on the patio on my lunch. I am tired today! Last night was our first MaRS Social Committee event. Did I mention that I'm sort of leading the Social Committee? Well, I set up the committee and everyone else on the committee leads an event of their choice. Last night was Shakespeare in the Park. We saw A Comedy of Errors which was funny, but really not one of Willy's best. Nor one of CanStage's, to be honest. I've gone to see the plays for the last 3 years and I found their Taming of the Shrew and The Tempest to be far superior. But perhaps a bit more weighty. This one was full of slapstick and predictable mistaken identities. I had high hopes from the NOW magazine review. But the Kid Koala scratch was barely noticeable and the only Gautier-esque costume, I thought, was the one worn by the Madame (who actually was one of the better actresses). A bit disappointing, but no deterrent - I will continue to go to these shows and seek out other outdoor theatres in the city. :: Cathy 11:39 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, July 27, 2006 :: I'm in the middle of an RFP process for a new content management system (professionally, not personally). And I can't believe how unprofessional some respondents have been. One company in particular was snotty to me on the phone when I first contacted them about the opportunity. They acted like I would be lucky if they deigned to participate Then, after I sent out the RFP they wrote to me telling me that they would not participate because they didn't meet our technical requirements but that if we wanted to UPGRADE our systems so that they would match with their SUPERIOR product, please call them. Strange. Because I'd done my research and knew they did meet our requirements. So I wrote back that I respected if they decided not to go after our business but that my research had uncovered that they met our requirements as laid out in the RFP. I also ask that they please let me know if my understanding of their product was incorrect. He wrote back that he'd spoken with a developer and I was correct - they DID meet our requirements. All stop. So, I responded, does this mean that you will participate? No response. OK, I figured they were embarassed by their own ignorance about their product and decided they had blown their chances anyway. Fine. That's one less proposal to review. So, I didn't blink when they didn't send in their Intention to Respond. But today, the original deadline for proposal submissions, I get an email with the guy's proposal. It doesn't answer/address all of the questions and it uses incorrect English with ridiculous numbers of spelling mistakes in the little text that they do have. Why would you submit something like that? Complete garbage. :: Cathy 8:45 AM [+] :: 0 comments Bike Thieving Someone who understood how upset I was about my bike getting stolen sent me this link to a video of how easy it is to steal a bike. The sad part is that no one cared. Granted, the video is shot in New York, where bike thievery is legendary. But it made me wonder how many times I've walked obliviously past someone stealing a bike. It also made me wonder what the hell I'd do if I saw someone trying to steal a bike. Call 911? Say, "hey, dude, stop it" ? :: Cathy 6:16 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 :: ![]() My first birthday cake of my 2006 birthday. This one was done by the pastry chef at En Ville and brought in by Allen in honour of the THREE ladies who have their birthday on this exact day here at MaRS. Flourless chocolate cake with Lindt chocolate icing and strawberries. Ya. Hence, the small amount of crumbs left over. :: Cathy 1:49 PM [+] :: 1 comments I've joined a gardening-for-newbies newsletter and it comes every day, which is a bit much, but it's good for me to learn a lot of stuff more quickly. Today I learned two things: 1. No fertilizing flowers during the hottest days of summer. Just water. 2. I should be planting some basil, oregano, sage and thyme around this time since it will sprout quickly and hang on until fall. So add that to my list of desires: herb garden seeds. :: Cathy 10:42 AM [+] :: 0 comments So here it is: my birthday. I started out not really excited, even forgetting that the next day was my birthday. I was more worried about getting the house ready for Saturday... at least to the point where I wouldn't be embarassed to have people over. I'm still worried, because the place is still a construction zone. And then, this morning, I woke up a zillion times thinking about what I'd wear and do to make today special. Finally, I got up to answer the call of nature, even though I was dead tired. Seriously, I feel a bit sick. But I feel like a child with butterflies in my stomach. THIS is how you're supposed to feel on your birthday. So I wake up and come downstairs to see that Alex has set up my birthday present: a new monitor. There was anything wrong with my old monitor, but this one is a flat screen, so I'm sure it's much better. It certainly takes up less space on the desk. I know nothing about monitors, to be honest. But Alex does. So, as my birthday dawns, grey and rainy, I type my birthday message, viewing it on my birthday present. I intend to treat myself today. I will wear a pretty skirt. I will go to Starbucks for breakfast. There will be some sort of surprise for me at work - I know that Allen will take care of that. I will get myself a manicure and pedicure after work. And I will eat out for free at Casey's tonight (they do a free bday dinner). And then I will come home and continue to work on my house. BOO! I thought of another thing that I could really use for my birthday or house warming: MAID SERVICE! :: Cathy 4:21 AM [+] :: 2 comments |
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