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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, May 19, 2006 :: Day Six and Seven in Halifax Yesterday, I read my Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants book (it's actually Raye's book, so I need to finish it before I leave) and watched two of her movies: Wimbledon (seriously, don't bother) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (pretty cool, but not exactly high art). Refreshed, I managed to finally get out the door in time to get to the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia - they're open late on Thursdays - and see the Maud Lewis exhibit. She was a very well-known Nova Scotian folk artist who painted almost every inch of her 9.5x10-ft house. The house is preserved within the gallery. That's all I really wanted to see. I also stayed to listen to a jazz band play in the atrium for their Art After Hours event. It was great - but I almost forgot that I had tickets to another friend's dinner-theatre show: Cape Breton Idle. It was an old friend from university. The show was pretty good, the food was pretty good. But you know, I keep hearing about how friendly people are here, but I just don't see it. I find people at least as unfriendly as Toronto. I walked home, walking another couple to their destination on my way home because they were a little lost. I just stopped and asked if they needed help and they happened to be going my way. Ha! I'm already a tour guide! When I got home, poor Raye wasn't feeling well, but managed to get in the last 2 episodes of Lost, Season One. Seriously, that is a friggin great show. CREEPY. But I'm starting to be able to call it. So now I'm getting ready for the day. I'll call my friend Sarah, who was in the show last night and we'll meet up for coffee. I'll stop by the grocery store on my way home and pick up snacks. Then Raye will be home around 2pm and we'll embark on our big long-weekend road trip! If you want to know our plans for where we're going, have a look here: http://halifaxmay2006.pbwiki.com/roadtrip. Happy long weekend! :: Cathy 7:13 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 :: Alex called me today. He is good. I think I don't write that often enough. The problem is that I write a LOT when I'm upset. It helps me to work stuff out. It helps me get stuff off my chest. Even when I'm vague about it. The problem is, I can't always write clearly about things because... well, some people don't want to hear about it (hi Family). But more importantly, it's private between Alex and I. He didn't ask me to have a blog and he certainly didn't ask me to talk about him on it. It's not fair that I broadcast our relationship in that way. Most stuff is a bit vague and I try not to write about him if I can help it. Unfortunately, that usually means I can refrain when I'm happy, or at lesst content. Of course, it follows that I mostly write about him when I'm unhappy. It doesn't give a very clear or fair picture of how things are with us. And, obviously, this is my blog and I will give you my side of the story and you can be sure that it is biased because I am undoubtedly perfect in my own eyes. ;) It's not true, of course. I was just talking to Raye about that this evening. There are plenty of things about me that are less than perfect. Sometimes - most of the time - I am afraid and that makes me build barriers and that's a difficult thing for a person who loves you to deal with. I can't imagine how Alex manages to continue to love me. It takes a lot of dedication, loyalty and well - he's just stubborn. I'm lucky to have him. I find myself truly missing him while I'm here - wanting him to be here to share my days, away from any pressure, stress, deadlines. And, honestly, the thing I want most is a big hug or to walk down the street holding hands or to sit in the park together. Is that sappy? I hope so - it would be a big step forward for me if it is. :: Cathy 8:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments Day Five in Halifax Did you know that the Halifax Citadel is the number one most-visited historical tourist spot in Canada? True story. Today, I joined the ranks. I was there for the changing of the guard and a free tour and a movie and I talked to the School Master who was excellent and I spoke with the off-duty guards. Actually, one of the off-duty guards was very cute and spoke very knowledgeably. The other one was clearly nervous and broke the spell for me that they weren't really soldiers. It was kind of darling. He must be a new recruit. I should really upload a photo of this while I'm writing about it, but I forgot to bring my cord. I'll ask Raye if she has one later... Anyway, for a 3D tour of the And if you want to know more about the events going on at the Citadel, have a look here: www.regimental.com. Now that I'm seeing it, I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have waited to go for a Ghost Walk there. I'm sure that would have been interesting. I spent 2 hours there and could have spent more, actually. They have a very good museum in there. It's interesting that they had such an elaborate, expensive defense system that took so long to build and it never had to defend itself once. It only saw action as a training ground and holding cells for prisoners of war, apparently. A worthwhile place to visit if you ever get to Halifax. I also found another pretty worthy coffee shop in the nearby Barrington Place pedestrian mall: Sam's Macchiato. Not as good as Cafe Ristretto, but definitely worth a go. Number of Lost episodes watched: 5. Number left to go: 2 I'm so excited to see what happens! Amount of chocolate eaten: sickening. :: Cathy 7:55 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 :: Day Four in Halifax I'm upset because this computer just erased my post. Grr. That means this will be shorter. I managed to get my butt out the door to drink decaf latte and write in my journal down at Cafe Ristretto. Mm, fanstastic coffee. And of course I love writing more than almost anything. Made pizza for dinner. With goat cheese, naturally. Saw Evita at the Neptune Theatre. I actually think it was better than the Toronto production I saw not too long ago. Watched more episodes of Lost. Can't get enough of it. Pretty good for a rain day. :: Cathy 9:22 PM [+] :: 0 comments Just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Disappointing. There's something going on that she's not telling us. I hate that. Means I must wait for the next book. Grr. :: Cathy 10:59 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, May 15, 2006 :: I'm sitting on a warm, slightly sloping rock just off the path in Point Pleasant Park, enjoying the sunshine and in fact wishing I had worn something a little cooler than jeans and a tshirt. I'm sitting there, quietly reading The Coast, Halifax's free weekly entertainment magazine. And the thing is, the dogs keep coming up to check me out. They sneak up and put their nose on my arm or their head in my lap. Just nudging in but not really looking for petting, but just, you know, checking me out. They sniff and poke around a bit but they don't really DO anything. Nor do they seem to be looking for anything in particular. And when their owners call - and I mean, the path is kinda far from this rock, so they've already strayed from their owners to get to me - they just sort of ignore them. This is really weird. I don't even like dogs. But they're lovin me today. Do I smell like dog pee? Or a fire hydrant? Do I look like a bowl of dog food? When I realize they're not moving off, I awkwardly pat them on the head. "Hi" I say quietly, "Um, it's time to go back to your mommy now." And they call them and they continue to ignore them and just sort of stand beside me on my rock. With The Coast between us, flapping a little in the breeze. Another awkward pat. "Ah, go get 'er, boy!" I don't know what to say: I've never watched Lassie. And the Littlest Hobo was smarter than this. Miss Owner is getting a little exasperated as she moves down the trail. She assures me the dog doesn't bite. Clearly, or he probably would've bit me already for my retarded dog-patting efforts. I continue to try to encourage the dog to go catch up. He appears confused. Someone is definitely calling its name. Although, it's clear to me this dog doesn't understand English: my directions have met deaf ears. A couple of false starts and he finally, reluctantly carries on after his owner. Friggen dogs. I don't smell THAT bad, do I? :: Cathy 8:25 PM [+] :: 1 comments Day 3 in Halifax Hours slept: 9 (holy crap) Now I'm drinking my decaf earl grey tea and reading Harry Potter before I actually make it out the door, so we'll see what I actually accomplish today. I'll be meeting up with Raye at 4pm to go with her to see a new apartment. She's decided to move out of Rez afterall, even though it's going to be more expensive. So maybe I'll be able to walk out to Point Pleasant, a HUGE park near St. Mary's. It is, afterall, supposed to go up to 19 degrees and be sunny today, while tomorrow is a big rain day. So off I go to finish my tea. :: Cathy 6:28 AM [+] :: 1 comments :: Sunday, May 14, 2006 :: Day Two in Halifax Hours slept: 7 (woke up at 1pm; you do the math) Episodes of Lost watched: 4 (including one before going to bed last night) Cups of amazing decaf latte: 1 (Cafe Ristretto might have the best coffee so far this year) Hours walking in the sunshine around Halifax with Raye: 2.5 Dollars spent on a fantastic smoothie at Pete's Frootique, a Halifax institution: 5 Number of stars given to Poseiden, seen at the local IMAX theatre: 3 (it was entertaining) Migraine tablets taken after a night on the town: 0 Ideas for what I'll do tomorrow when Raye is at work: 400 Number that will probably get accomplished: 2 :: Cathy 8:54 PM [+] :: 0 comments |
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