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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, January 27, 2006 :: I'm reading The Secret Book of Grazia dei Rossi, which I picked up at the second hand bookstore on my week off. It's a really great book so far - a fantastic way for me to transport myself from the rigours of the subway in the morning. However, I do have a complaint. The book is supposed to be a mother's memoirs for her son. And yet, the book is filled with her sex life. I understand that there needs to be drama, and don't get me wrong, I enjoy the descriptions (mom, you can go make tea now), but I find it really odd that she would be writing this to her son. I mean, come on, what parent out there would be writing their sex life down for their kids? First of all, trust me, they don't want to know. Immaculate conceptions, all of us. Secondly, isn't that sort of weird? You don't read anything in here about Alex and I, um, holding hands, do you? No, because my parents read this! They would be as uncomfortable to read it as I would be to tell them about it. Is this just me? Are there people out there who are really so open with their families about such matters? :: Cathy 6:46 PM [+] :: 0 comments As a happy side-effect of my job, I read interesting science articles every morning. This is totally my favourite part of the job, which means that as I get more responsibility and projects underway, this will be the part that falls by the wayside. Boo! However, this morning, I'm still reading the interesting articles. Today, a set of articles about cell regeneration caught my eye. If you were ever unsure why it's important to ensure the biodiversity of the species here on earth, these articles bring it home. If no one had ever encountered a particular species of toad, they might never have come up with the novel way to regrow an organ: Regrow Your Own Cells That Go Back in Time Regeneration Sans Stem Cells Now, you may or may not agree with the experiments done on animals and you may have varying opinions on stem cell research. However, certain organisms are inspiring ideas about how humans can grow back some heart tissue after they have a heart attack. In a recent Scientific American, there's a story about the huge problem of heart scar tissue following a heart attack. This problem means, even if you survive a heart attack, you're still gonna die pretty soon. Your heart never truly recovers. But now, without disrupting any ethical issues, they're working on a way that we could fully repair ourselves. Now, this is the new controversy in my mind: does that mean that the rich sloths of the world can continue to eat crap, smoke and drink their faces off, sloth around without lifting a finger and be carried around on a bier, and all our expensive research will actually allow this person to live LONGER? I mean, how valuable is the technology when you look at it that way? Heart attacks are a part of natural selection. Survival of the fittest. What kind of race would we be if continued to allow the worst examples of our race to propagate? But think of it in terms of macular degeneration: maybe we wouldn't have to wear eyeglasses anymore. Or what about nerve damage from a car accident that would otherwise put you in a wheelchair? If you could regenerate some nerve cells, you could walk again! The possibilities are endless. So maybe we save a couple of jerks in the process - the reality is that they're probably the ones who will fund the research in the first place so that they can continue their slothful ways. :: Cathy 7:11 AM [+] :: 2 comments :: Thursday, January 26, 2006 :: Alex and I saw a bunch of condos tonight. We also experienced our first blow: the first place that I saw that I really liked is SOLD! However, I console myself with the fact that it was not the ideal location. And really, isn't it ALL about location? Actually, a bunch of places that I'd wanted to see tonight were already sold. Boo! However, we did see another really great place. It's a little more expensive than I'd wanted to spend, but it seems to be pretty much exactly right: great location, the right amenities, quite new with a good layout and size. Condo-buying is scary business! :: Cathy 8:01 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 :: Dear God, what was I thinking when I took a job near Winners? :: Cathy 8:25 PM [+] :: 3 comments :: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 :: Day 2 of new job. Good thing: they have food left over from all of their events for us to eat. Bad thing: they have food. (I'm going to eat it and get fat.) Good thing: I went curling this afternoon for the first time in my life. Fun! Bad thing: I suck at curling. Plus, this was a bit of an anomolous event there. Good thing: I'm coming and going at regular hours. Bad thing: I hear that a lot of people work a lot of ridiculous hours. Good thing: I'm meeting lots of really nice people. Bad thing: I'm still a little shy and can't remember people's names. Good thing: I'm learning a lot. Bad thing: My head might explode. :: Cathy 8:08 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, January 23, 2006 :: Just a reminder to vote tonight. PLEASE don't vote Conservative. A vote for conservatives is a vote for my unemployment: they have no room for research in their budgets. My first day on the job and wouldn't it just figure that the election would bring my demise? :: Cathy 3:16 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, January 22, 2006 :: Today I went to a baby shower for my friend Theresa (and of course her husband Josh) at her sister's place in Forest Hill (drool). It was the first time that I'd seen them in months! Theresa is really pregnant. It's crazy to look at her belly and understand there's a person rolling around inside there. Of course, they got lots of really cute baby things - all sorts of soft pretty things. I bought off of their baby registry, which meant really boring things like outlet covers, soothers and a thermometer. All sensible stuff for first-time mommies. And I threw in a couple of things for the mom-to-be: bubble bath and chocolate bonbons. I can imagine that these last weeks (month?) are important for getting in all the relaxing she can before the big day. It was a really nice time, as I got to catch up with all of the DINE girls (our social chow-down group). They marvelled at how long my hair is and wished me luck at my new job starting tomorrow. I found out about their new jobs, horses, houses, courses and travel plans and wished my life were a little more exciting. I forgot to tell them about the Thai cooking course that I attended yesterday. It was a really nice location (Davenport and Dupont - that would be a nice spot to live!) and the teacher was pretty cool. The food was fanstastic and we at a LOT. However, in order to involve everyone and still get done in the 3 hours that it was supposed to take, they had done all the prep work and only some people were able to help with any dish prepared. My big contribution was zesting the lemon for the red curry chicken. I also drank 2 glasses of wine and chatted with some of the other nice ladies in the class. So I pulled my weight ;) We all made our own cold spring rolls, which was fun. We went home with the recipes, along with hand-written variations and tips, as well as bellies filled with yummy Thai food. I got some suggestions for great Thai restaurants around the city and found out that my favourites are strong choices: Now I'll have more courage to create my own Thai sensations at home, and finally have some friends over for a dinner party chez moi. :: Cathy 2:37 PM [+] :: 2 comments |
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