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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 ::
I bought a new phone!

I'm actually renewing my contract with Telus and I got a big phone credit so I only paid $50 for it.

So now I have to get rid of my welfare phone that I got dirt cheap when I got back from Australia two years ago. It was pretty crappy, but I feel kind of sad about letting it go. I pride myself on being able to make do with "bare minimum" technology. I am my father's daughter.

But it's supposed to have a better battery and reception and it's a flip-phone which prevents random call-answering, accidental dialing, and general deterioration of the key pad.

So, there it is. A new phone.

And a new family phone plan as soon as Alex makes the switch. It will be cheaper for both of us, so it's smart. But all this sharing is a little scary.

:: Cathy 1:24 PM [+] :: 1 comments


    can i have your old phone?
    # posted by Blogger raye : 9:35 PM  

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