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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, March 24, 2005 ::
God bless Chapters.

On our way home from Toronto, my mom and I thought we should stop in Starbucks for a decadent Chantico. One thing led to another and suddenly I was buying $45-worth of reading material.

I spent hours sitting on the floor, pouring through travel magazines. I settled on Transitions Abroad and Budget Travel as well as the Utne Reader.

And then I realized that we didn't have a travel guide for the Netherlands yet and how are you supposed to plan a trip without a good travel guide? Well, the answer is you're NOT. So we went over to the section I try to stay away from because I inevitably start to salivate over there. We weighed a couple of good options and settled on the Lonely Planet standard. It's got the stuff that we need; everything else will come from people's recommendations.

This weekend will be a good reading and planning weekend, I say as I struggle to keep my eyelids open.

OK, maybe I'll get some sleep first.

:: Cathy 8:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments

I had such a lovely dinner with Sarah last night. She's got a new beautiful condo downtown with a gorgeous kitchen, which of course makes everything taste so much better.

We had amazing food, as usual, cuz Sarah is a cooking Goddess. We had fantastic wine from a winery in New Zealand that I had actual visited in my cycling wine tour.

And a good talk. Of course. My favourite part!

:: Cathy 8:28 AM [+] :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 20, 2005 ::
I'm sitting here after a night out - dressing up, dinner, dancing - and thinking that the best part of the whole night is just having interesting conversations with my friends.

I do, however, have a new motivation to go out and buy cute dresses and skirts.

Happy Birthday Raye!

:: Cathy 12:03 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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