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WebGoddessCathy |
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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, February 11, 2005 :: I keep meaning to do real work when I sit down at my computer, and instead I end up messaging people that are in my own area code (I don't understand - why not just call me?) and reading emails and checking out the costs of flights, updating my Aussie job-emailers, among other time wasters. At least it's peaceful in the apartment tonight. Tomorrow I go skiing with my mom at Mount St. Louis Moonstone. Have I mentioned that they took my ski package off the SportMart site? I guess the deal was too good to last. YAY ME! And my mom bought me some poles for $2.50. Wow. :: Cathy 8:26 PM [+] :: 0 comments Oooh, Blogger updated their comments functionality. Makes it much better. YAY! Now, if I only had people who actually commented... First I might try writing about something people actually CARE about and then I'll dis my readers. :: Cathy 7:52 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, February 10, 2005 :: The day started badly: wake up at 6am. BOO! But I dragged myself out of bed, into the shower, packed extra socks and other warm things, put my brand-new skis and still-boxed bindings into the ski bag, swung my boots over my shoulder and trudged down to meet my colleague downstairs. Off we drove, stopping only at Tim Horton's before driving PAST Collingwood and back again before we finally made it to Blue Mountain for the Biogen Idec Snow Express at Blue Mountain. Late. The third person on our team had already gone off with another group. So we registered as a team of two, put on the lift ticket, took our Clue and brought my skis over to the sport shop across the street. Well, the only guy in there was busy getting other late-arrivals their rentals. So we waited. And then he wanted to chat. And ask me how/where I got my skis (SportMart) and how much I paid for 'em ($220). He was surprised that the package was so cheap and I felt really proud when he told me I was a good shopper. Review of my sweet-sweet-skis (Rossignol T-Power Axium Twin Deck) confirms that they're perfect for me: This is a ski built to instill confidence that pushes carving performance as far as you want to go. The combination of carving ski and binding create an intuitive and highly stable platform that can take a dedicated and determined beginner to the top of the mountain in a single season. So we were an hour late on the slopes. An hour late starting the treasure hunt. Even so, we did alright, but only got to half of the pick-up points in the clue sheet. Then they furnished a lovely lunch during which I probably ate too much and then the Giant Slalom was to begin. I have to be honest: we didn't stay for the Giant Slalom. Well, we weren't going to win or anything. So we just went skiing. It was a beautiful, albeit windy, day. And despite our poor performance as skiers - although my skis were clearly the most beautiful on the slopes and everyone was staring in awe at them - we still managed to win Karbon vests and sunscreen. Yay Team! And now my sun- and wind-burnt eyes will motivate me to check out some goddess-be-damned goggles. And I will find them for cheap online and all will hail me as the online-shopping-goddess too. :: Cathy 5:24 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 :: I suspect I may be experiencing PMS. I am restless and just want to curl up on a nice warm couch, hugging a nice warm cozy body, and watch Sexy Spies while eating Lindors. Luckily, I have Lindors here. Luckily? Or unluckily, as I am about to eat ALL of them. :: Cathy 5:15 PM [+] :: 2 comments So a friend of mine sent me a link to the DivaCup today. What do you think? Pros: Cons: I want to do the right thing. What is the right thing? :: Cathy 4:37 PM [+] :: 1 comments When Kat sent me home with date squares last weekend, I had no idea I was in for such a treat... as I sit here munching on date squares for breakfast... :: Cathy 6:19 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 :: Tonight I saw Da Kind in My Hair with my mom and Marlene, Heather's mom who's in town visiting. It was a really interesting show, although I thought they worked a little too hard to pluck your heart strings at times. They did, of course, succeed from time to time. However, the VOICES of those women! Wow, they were like rich and smooth like chocolate. My favourite. I thought the strongest parts of the show were the light tales; they seemed to ring true to me. We also ate some yummy dinner at Fred's Not Here/The Red Tomato. My favourite part was, of course, the appetizer. I love coconut shrimp and spring rolls. The winterlicious menu also featured a promising crab and lobster soup that Marlene ordered. Perhaps I should have ordered that as my main? It was tasty (although perhaps too much salt). It was nice to get together with Mar and Mom for this; it reminded me of when we were kids and we'd all go out dinner and a show. I used to love the theatre routine that we shared. It was so special. I need to go to more theatre; it brings me so much joy. :: Cathy 8:24 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, February 07, 2005 :: Watched the SuperBowl at Scott and Kat's house last night. And what do I remember? New England won. They made lots of bird-flapping gestures. And, most of all, Scott and Kat have an awesome new toilet!! Seriously, you sit HIGH - barely have to bend to sit - it can flush 27 golf balls without getting plugged (don't ask me why they tested golf balls) and it uses like HALF the water of their other toilets! This is a MIRACLE toilet! Oh, I also remember that Kat told me to blog more about food. Unfortunately, I'm eating a Michelina's Classic dinner at the moment. Actually, I'm having the Penne Marina with Italian Suasage that my roommate bought me to replace the one(s) he ate. I'd have to say that I'm not all that impressed with it. Although I wasn't too impressed with any of the other flavours that I've tried (all 2 of them). Seriously, if I just kept some cooked noodles in the fridge and poured some bottled sauce over them and zapped it when I wanted a quick meal, it would be far better than this. Live 'n' learn. From this to Winterlicious tomorrow night at Fred's Not Here. I haven't completely stop cooking, though. I just don't often cook at home. Other than the yummy banana bread I made in my beloved bread maker over the weekend (that I left at lucky Alex's place), I make my lunch at work all the time. Today was whole wheat wraps with ripe avocado, cherry tomatoes, old cheddar and alfalfa. MMmm! Damn, I wish I had that in front of me right now instead of this sorry-assed cardboard dinner. But I was pass-out hungry so I can't be too choosey. :: Cathy 6:54 PM [+] :: 0 comments Ohmygosh, I bought skis! I'm SOOooo excited! I got such a great deal and now I'm going on a client ski event and get to show off my new equipment! Oh wait, I don't have poles. Or a helmet. OK, well, I'll figure that out later. The important thing right now is that I am a STAR online shopper. I got a ginormous deal (new good skis for the price of second-hand!) and they're delivering hopefully in time. I hope. Think Positive. I am a total ski bunny. :: Cathy 10:40 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, February 06, 2005 :: Saw a really cool show last night, Close Act, thanks to the City of Toronto. Amazing music and costumes; a total spectacle! :: Cathy 6:25 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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