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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, November 17, 2005 ::

Matching cleavage
Originally uploaded by webgoddesscathy.
For some reason, I couldn't remember how much fun my 30th birthday had been. And then I remembered I had uploaded all these pictures to my Flickr account.

It really was great.

Raye took me out, Jess took me out, my workmates took me out, my friends wine and dined me.

My mom took me to Dairy Queen and for Thai food. My favourites! I went home to the farm and chillaxed there. I got tickets to a musical.

I bought myself a massage and a movie.

It was good.

But some year, I'm doing it up BIG.

For more pictures of my 30th birthday, click here.

:: Cathy 10:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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