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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, June 19, 2004 :: I love weekends! Last night I went out for drinks and munchies with Sarah and Shawn in a quaint little corner of the Annex, at the Victory Cafe. We ended up at Shawn's friend's house where I could see College Street blocked off for the street party, The Taste of Little Italy. I never got a chance to join the party, but it's there for a while yet, so I'll try to catch it later. Today, Alex and I took a walk around the Beach, shopping (it was tough, but I didn't buy anything!) drinking smoothies and watching buskers. What a gorgeous day it was! I love lazy Saturdays... not really lazy, but active in a "I don't HAVE to do anything" kind of way. My favourite. :: Cathy 8:18 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, June 17, 2004 :: I hate the design of my site. I need new one. How about these: I am SO not a designer. But I love pretty things. I like blue (specifically smoky blues) and green (olive or sage) and black. What do YOU like? :: Cathy 5:04 PM [+] :: 2 comments The funny thing about me is that I'm prone to thinking that I'm dumb, even though I'm probably quite smart. I get down on myself because I believe I'm doing something or being stupid. But the smallest thing can bring me up. Yesterday, I was stressing and feeling down, thinking "I don't know what I'm doing." Then just a simple "you did a good job on that, Cathy" this morning, and I was suddenly the nicest person to be around. Magic! Alex tells me that, when I'm happy, I have the ability to make other people feel quite good about themselves. But when I'm not happy... well. I guess I take it out on others. I'm very generous with my happiness. I want to spread it around. :: Cathy 4:46 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 :: So I had to miss volleyball tonight. Like, the whole thing! I didn't even get to watch. Instead, I was sitting at work, working on a proposal. Hrumph. I suppose it doesn't matter, I mean, I couldn't play anyway. My back is still really stiff and sore. But it would have been nice to be outside and social on such a beautiful evening. Instead, I'm home at 9:30pm, making my dinner of yogurt and a boiled egg. Pathetic! I'm feeling a bit gross after having eaten baby-shower cheesecake and brownies all day. I need to start cooking again... :: Cathy 6:33 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 :: How has stress invaded my life again? I keep telling myself there is no reason and yet it continues. For now, since my roommate is away, I decided to have an evening at home. I actually cooked for myself. Bacon, since I can't make bacon when my roommate's here. sigh. And did laundry. Part of it, anyway. Finally. And now I'm doing a couple of odds n ends on my computer. And tomorrow it's back to face the challenge that is my job. It's scary but I suppose one never learns anything if one is never challenged or a little bit scared. I remember it used to be my goal to do one thing that scared me per day. Well, I think I've done plenty of scary things in the past year, the past year and a half, actually. I'm starting to slow down. Time to do something scary again. But for now, I think I'll keep listening to my Cat Empire CD and wishing I were in Sydney like they are right now (they just did the Jazz Festival yesterday and I know if were there, I'd have been at that show!) and Melbourne, as they'll be in a couple of days... I can't believe it's been a year since I went to the Sydney Jazz Festival in Darling Harbour. :: Cathy 7:14 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, June 14, 2004 :: Had a lovely weekend. Went to celebrate Alex's nieces' birthday, then out with him and Brian and Sharon and Rhonda. Got a bit drunk, which I regretted for the rest of the weekend to the tune of four $20-migraine tablets. Then relaxed at home. I love home. And now back to the crazy crazy life of me. Had a visit with my orthodontist this morning. He's such a nice guy. If anyone wants a referral, just let me know. And now I'm off to have drinks with Anita and somehow get home in time to do laundry. ... which I'd meant to do last night, but of course the laundry room was full and then I went out to dinner with Will and Lisa at a seafood restaurant that pretended to serve me Thai pan-fried sea scallops. More like crap-fried sea turds. At least the calamari was good. Seroiusly, stop talking to me, I have to go meet Anita... :: Cathy 2:38 PM [+] :: 0 comments |