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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 ::
In the spirit of Raye's Raye of Sunshine Thank-You page, I have thought of a list of things that have to be thankful for:

  • my mom, who would do anything for me, including (but not limited to) driving me to work in Toronto after a doctor's appointment in Barrie, paying my first/last month's rent so I can have an apartment, putting my ticket to Calgary/Vancouver on her credit card until I get my first paycheque

  • Alex, who would also do most anything for me, including letting me stay with him. Although I'm sure that's a little selfish anyway

  • an interesting job

  • Thai-food lunches eaten in the park

  • the approaching summer

  • Old Navy stretchy jeans that FIT

  • friends who like to go out, do things, and have fun

  • unexpectedly curly hair

  • friends who care enough to warn me when I might be doing something stupid, even though I know it already

  • taped episodes of Voyager

    :: Cathy 5:12 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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