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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 :: Last night I went with Scott and Karen and Anne and her friend Jonathan to the Gaslight Night Market which was very cool. We were supposed to go out to a jazz club afterwards, but Anne and Jonathan backed out. I was happy enough to be in bed by midnight anyway. Let me tell you, working at 7:45am is not my idea of fun. I'm tired tired tired. So I'm NOT going to swing dancing class tonight. But I AM going to pig out at Pizza Hut and then flake out on the couch for the evening. I'm so exciting I can't STAND it! However, I am planning a big night out this Saturday, after working my butt off all day, catering. My big chance to get my groove-on... CHRISTMAS UPDATE ============== :: Cathy 11:22 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 :: So I'm back to being a superstar today. Feeling all smart about the job; remember what it's like to actually use my brain and problem-solve. Karen is not so happy, though. I feel bad and wish there was something I could do... And then I realized that I had missed out on 2 whole rolls of film when I took it all in for developing. So, tomorrow I'll take in my film from the east coast, including my scuba diving, sailing and trip to the Atherton Tablelands. Oh what fun! Until then, enjoy the ones from Cape Trib/Port Douglas and the Northern Territory (Darwin and Uluru, etc) as they're only up for a month! Now, off to yoga! :: Cathy 11:06 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, December 08, 2003 :: Better day today! Doing a new job at work is a little bit more interesting... processing emailed mastercard requests. I actually got to suggest some improvements to the process, which made me feel like a smarty pants. And, you know me, I'm always happy to be a smarty pants. But I'm still putting out my resume since I'm not too certain about my job at the moment. And then Theresa and Alex tell me that the Uptown Theatre in Toronto collapsed! Shocking! I used to go see movies there with Dave all the time. I could have been one of the students trapped in there, if not for the fact that I'm all the way over here in Australia and Dave's in Japan... OK, so maybe not such a close brush with destruction... AND FINALLY: PHOTOS!!! Now I haven't had a real chance to sort these all out with captions and making an "album" and all that. REmember, I'm not allowed to use the Internet at work anymore! So I'm off to a play-reading with my friend Anne now and I'll try to fix it up later... BE PATIENT! :: Cathy 10:23 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, December 07, 2003 :: Today was a crap day. First of all, it was Monday morning after a lovely weekend. Strike One. Then, I found out my friend Karen is leaving before Christmas. Strike Two. Finally, my job became hell on earth. Strike Three. Karen and I had been asked to move our desks Monday morning because they were going to be moving around some teams and some other people were supposed to sit in our spots. CRAP. What that really meant was that they wanted us to move to a spot where someone could watch our every move, our very cursor dart across the page! When our friend Seph came down to say good morning, some woman we've never been introduced to swoops down on us. "Since you obviously don't have enough to do..." WHOMPH! Drops a stack of papers on our desks. Right. And I was on my BREAK. Blood pressure check: elevated. Then Karen is instant-messaging David, asking him to get her some food from the cafeteria so she doesn't get in trouble for leaving her desk. Some guy we've never been introduced to suddenly appears over her shoulder, informing her that she is in breach of company policy by using the messenger for non-work-related purposes! Blood pressure check: I'm giving my self a headache I'm so mad. So we've clearly been told : no talking to anyone, no instant messaging (or non-work-related emails or blogging of course) and on Friday we were also flogged for our slackness in logging into our telephones. I was asked pointedly if I really got in at 8am, as my phone login was at 8:17am. My God. I forgot to login. Kill me. No, seriously, kill me now. I cannot stand being treated like a child. I am diligent and good at what I'm doing. If there is a problem with my work, then TELL me. But otherwise, don't make me feel guilty if I decide I'd like to write an email on my lunch half-hour. I feel insulted by this. Haven't they ever read the Cluetrain Manifesto? I need to find a new job. :: Cathy 10:54 PM [+] :: 0 comments Just back from yabbying in Shepparton with Stuart (whom I met at the Melbourne Cup). I finally made it out to the country (about two hours outside Melbourne) to take Stuart up on his offer to take me out yabbying. And it was so worth it! Stuart picked me up from the station and I dropped off my stuff at his beautiful place before we went out to do some wine tasting in the Goulbourn Valley. We went to Mitchelton and Tahbilk where I tasted close to every wine possible, including some new variaties that I'd never tried before: Roussanne and Marsanne. Not a big fan; but did like the Tahbilk '98 Chardonnay. Stuart bought a Mitchelton red and we went back to his place to get our bathers and head out to his coworker's pool party. I met a couple other people that I'd met at the Melbourne Cup in the WestPac marquee and a bunch of new people as well. We ate and drank and talked and got into the spa later that night and had an interesting run-in with a vodka-marinated watermellon IN the spa... then they started trying to throw people in the pool, had some food fights, drinking games (ever heard of the "ibble dibble" drinking game?) and then it was time to go home. I was disappointingly tired. This morning, Stuart made me a champion's breakfast of superbly poached eggs and bacon. And then we went yabbying. I learned much about catching them and have proud photos to put up later. I also learned a surprising lot about agriculture in general. And then Stuart cooked up the little crustaceans and taught me how to peel and eat them and I am forever in his debt for introducing me to them, as they are the tastiest treat I've had in a LONG time! Great, just what I needed: a new food to love. Big cheers to Stuart for his amazing hospitality! :: Cathy 1:01 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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