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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, October 18, 2003 :: So I don't know where I've been for the past couple of months (I mean, aside from, like, everywhere) but I just read this excerpt from Sarah's blog now and am all teary-eyed: "i miss shawn syms and cathy bogaart intensely. we are all at different points in our lives and yet more than ever i want to seek them out and throw my arms around them. i suppose this is not surprising considering their roles in my life in the past 2 plus years. one part confident. one part confessor. one part cheering squad... cathy would be the rational supportive yet tough love friend in all those instances where i needed it. there are very few people out there who possess the honesty and caring that she has. i am lucky to be a friend of theirs. i count myself blessed." I am so lucky to have friends like this. Is that the sweetest thing you've ever heard? I'm so happy that she's happy again. It's just a small part of the "so much more" that she deserves. :: Cathy 8:19 AM [+] :: 0 comments So at least Canada didn't lose horribly. I mean, sure they lost 68-6 to the All Blacks. But, according to my new Kiwi friends that I met at the game, Canada played with pride and held off New Zealand quite well. However, Melbourne is on fire with World Cup Fever. It's everywhere. So I'm really glad that I went to a game. It was a great feeling to make some friends there, too. After we all ended up at the Telstra Dome bar together, chatting, arguing, drinking, Barber invited our new Kiwi friends back to his place for more. So we all staggered back to the apartment and had some lovely Shiraz and crisp bread with butter, cheese and/or Vegemite. We actually made Scott try the Vegemite. He said pretty much the same as I did: It's not bad but it's not good. Why would you choose to eat that? I had a lovely conversation with Alvin, one of my Kiwi friends, about yoga. I promised to call him at 9am to get him to come to yoga with us the next morning. The best part of the night was when Barber tried to "help" me brush my teeth before bed. I nearly peed my pants, I was laughing so hard. I think some toothpaste actually stayed in my mouth. The rest dribbled down my chin and I managed to get some on my nose. Hot. Drunken nights are the greatest. This morning I wimped out of yoga class, since we'd gone to bed after 3am and I think I was still drunk. I figured it might not be too good for my balancing postures. Instead, I slept until 11am, made breakfast (Aussie bacon is so much meatier than American bacon) and went for a walk around the city, up to the Parliament buildings. And I discovered that Melbourne really is a fashion capital of the world. So many beautiful shops with all different clothes and so many beautiful people wearing so many cool styles. I just window-shopped since I can't afford anything. Although I need shoes, the shoes that I want are $195. So I decided I'd wait until I shop on Bridge Rd, where all the factory outlets are. But it was a goreous day for window-shopping. Sunny and 28 degrees. Although the wind was whipping some sort of pollen into my eyes and nose. Then Barber and I went to the Queen Victoria Markets again for ingredients for my famous pizza. I had told eveyone last night about this pizza and we'd invited the Kiwis over to sample. So I cooked and we ate and then Barber and I went to a show. Acrobat is a very cool, edgy circus act. Kind of reminded me a bit of the feel of Moulin Rouge. Dark sets, deadly serious mixed with subtle humour, scratchy old music, sounds of the needle going on and off a record, or of a tape player's "play/stop" buttons being pushed. Then speed metal or some other rough loud crazy music played by the DJ. The acrobats wore very little, were extremely well muscled and, oh ya, they were also pretty talented. One guy pulled a red kerchief out of his butt. It was a great show. :: Cathy 6:59 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, October 16, 2003 :: Forced myself to go to yoga class last night, even though I was not at all motivated. "Scott?" I whined, "Can you make me go to yoga?" He did. So I did. And, wow, did I sweat. I was horrible, but it was good for me. I'm sure I'll get better. Same with swing dancing. Went to another class tonight. I've made some small progress. Still not a strong dancer, but getting a better feel for it. It's frustrating. I just wanna be GOOD at it right away. It looks so cool when you're good at it. At least it's fun in the mean time - except when you're dancing with a guy who can't lead. Also went out for drinks with the people from my training group after work today. Lots of fun. I'm really loving the people I work with. They're fun, have lovely accents and some are very attractive. This could get interesting. Tomorrow night I go to the Canada vs. New Zealand rugby world cup match. Canada should lose, sadly, but I'll wear my I-Love-Toronto t-shirt and cheer a lot and maybe I'll get on TV. Watch for me! :: Cathy 4:58 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 :: I am tired. A little bit delirious, actually. Last night, after work at GE training, I got my new friend Alojz to guide me to the South Yarra train station (he was going there anyway) and I got to Peter Rowland's head office there, no problem. Then Alojz had directed me on how to get to my catering job at the Melbourne Museum. Although it all sounded easy, I still managed to get a little mixed up. But I asked lots of questions and managed to go the right way and get there JUST on time. It was a Matrix-themed event put on by Citibank and it was likely the coolest event I've ever been to. We had to wear sunnies (shades) the whole time. Everyone wore black, even the guests. The event coordinators wore the long black leather coats. I served drinks, topped up wine and champagne, cleared glasses. Then a phone started ringing. Trinity and Neo (or their look-alikes, at least) bounded down the escalator, across the foyer and into the telephone booth set up there. Soon after, the twins decended the escalator ominously. All four bounded into the dining room, followed by the rest of the guests. We served dinner to the Asian Credit Card Sales Team, although my job was just to ensure that everyone's glasses were full. There was entertainment... Mr. Smith appeared on stage - all 10 of him. They performed a tap dance. Then there was a choreographed dance/fight scene with Neo, Trinity and the Twins, complete with acrobatics. Very cool. Yummy food, lots of drink, good music. It was hot hard work. My arms are dead weight at my sides. But it was fun and I met some great people. I got home just after midnight and was in bed by 1am. Today, I'm making flowcharts on how to verify a credit card application from someone who lives in Canberra. Oh the endless excitement of my life... :: Cathy 5:39 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, October 13, 2003 :: Had my first day of training for the GE Call Centre. I had no idea that GE was involved in so many things. At home, they're just known for appliances and other consumer products like stoves, refrigerators, shavers and telephones. But no. That's only a very small component of their business. I'm working in their Consumer Finance section, dealing with credit cards. Met some great people today. The trainers seem nice AND the training centre is a 8-minute walk from Scott's place. On Friday, however, I start working in the big GE building that's a 25-minute tram ride from Scott's place. Also got a shift tomorrow night from my catering job. After my call centre training, I have to scoot over to the Peter Rowland's office, drop off all my employment paperwork and then rush over to the Melbourne Museum for the event there at 6pm. Apparently, I'll be working there until midnight. Only to wake up nice and early for my call centre training again on Wednesday morning. But at least I get to go to yoga tonight. That should calm me down a bit. And at least I won't have much time to get nervous about my first catering gig. :: Cathy 12:26 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, October 12, 2003 :: Barber and I again ventured to the Queen Victoria Market today to do some real shopping. Right now, the first roast beef I've ever made is in the oven. Smelling a bit odd, I might add... Barber says I'm in charge of food. So it's a challenge to actually think of what to make and buy everything that I need to make it. It's different than cooking for myself, since I cook one thing a week and otherwise eat toast or cereal or whatever takes my fancy. Now I have to think about someone else's eating needs too. It's a bit more expensive that way. I haven't eaten so much meat since... well, since I was on tour with Adventure Tours, actually. So not that long, really. Yesterday Scott and I spent the day going from gallery to gallery, checking out the various types of art. One of the most interesting exhibits was called "Orifice" at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art which featured a strange blow-up-toilet-seat-with-velcro-straps contraption which drew attention to your navel. Of course, I put it on and Barber took a photo. I am art. Then we went for dinner at his co-worker's house. Kelly and Doug are really nice and Doug is an excellent cook. He made us yellow curry with fish and vegetables and then ice cream with cantelope and passionfruit sauce. Outstanding food. Of course, Barber drank too much , we stayed late (3:30am) and we had some fantastic conversation. Fun! :: Cathy 1:27 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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