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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, May 24, 2003 :: I was told today by a customer that they don't pay me enough. Isn't that sweet? I do love being a waitress there. I look forward to being busy. Don't like it when I make a mistake, of course (I'm working on my obsession with perfection). But I love when I get to have a little chat with my customers. Melograno has the most lovely customers. :: Cathy 10:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments A hot topic in Surry Hills (Sydney's gay district) is the age of consent for homosexuals in NSW. Apparently, you have to be older to decide you're ready for sex than if you're heterosexual. They're discussing changing this in parliament now. Of course, many people are outraged about it. Pink Board www.glrl.org.au :: Cathy 6:40 AM [+] :: 0 comments Every once in a while, my housemate, Ander, comes home with a documentary from Blockbuster. And sometimes I'm bored enough to watch them. That's how I first heard of the Thylacine/Tasmanian Tiger. This guy at the Australian Museum (that I've BEEN to) is trying to resurrect an extinct species by cloning the cells of a long dead specimen and growing a new animal. Aside from the guy being CRAZY, it's an interesting challenge for science. :: Cathy 6:20 AM [+] :: 0 comments I learned 2 things today. 1. Most animals are much like men: either unattractive and benign or cute and dangerous. 2. Even when you're sick and it's raining, you can still have a good day if you try. :: Cathy 5:49 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Friday, May 23, 2003 :: I love it when I'm able to bring some measure of joy to people's lives! Especially when it's a friend who's done so much for me. BTW, I'm still sick, sick, sick. Dying, I think. Trying to get my favourite doctor to come look after me on my death-bed, but it looks like they're not taking me seriously. ~deep sigh~ :: Cathy 6:44 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Thursday, May 22, 2003 :: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX! :: Cathy 10:58 PM [+] :: 0 comments Last night was the karaoke competition at the Bondi Hotel. I went with Alesha and my English friends, Leanne and Kev. A couple really great voices were there, competing for the $100 prize. You could tell who follows these competitions around, collecting prize money. It was just like the Duets movie. Except no one pulled out a gun. I didn't do a song, mostly because I'm shy of big crowds and I'm a horrible singer. But also because I was sick and my throat really hurts. But Leanne and her housemates did "Respect" and the one girl rapped the whole thing. Some liked the gangsta-twist on it and gave her respect afterwards. Some laughed, but it was better than the girl troupe who had their own personal horrible dancer. Everyone laughed at that. Sadly, she thought she was really good. I'm supposed to go out to Bondi again tonight, but I'm quite sick. Flu. Again. I'm really popular with the flu virus these days, it seems. At least I have tomorrow off to enjoy my illness. :: Cathy 10:49 PM [+] :: 0 comments :: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 :: On the happiness theme, one dear friend wrote: "happiness is within all of us, we just have to reach within to grab it." :: Cathy 7:23 AM [+] :: 0 comments Today I walked to/from Glebe, another suburb of Sydney, for training at another location of The Coffee Roaster. Yesterday I worked at their Alexandria (Green Square Stn) location. I got a bag of freshly roasted and ground Ethiopian coffee to try out here at home in our MokaPot. They would like me to try all of their varieties, eventually... well, twist my arm! So, Kate and I tried it this morning. YUM! The coffee is so good that I don't need sugar in it at all. I am FULL of good coffee brewing tips. That I just MIGHT divulge if you stay tuned. I also was able to bring home a bag full of left-over bagels, pastries and muffins (both today and yesterday). It would be good if I wouldn't eat the ENTIRE bag myself... Tomorrow afternoon I work in the Surry Hills location. And tonight was Pilates night at the gym. Not AS good as yoga, but it'll do. Finally, my friend Alesha is back in Sydney! YAY! Just as I was getting bored! And got an odd email from Al about his trip to England where everyone was convinced he was infected with the SARS virus. Thank GOD for the stupid media. :: Cathy 5:21 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 :: Yoga is so good. I missed my body pump class tonight and was relieved to do so, since it meant a lovely chat with Alex. We talked about why I've been feeling a little down. He actually quite inspired me. (If I hadn't already known him, then I could check something off my happiness list... btw, note that I've added to the happiness list after consulting the magazine at the gym tonight.) Anyway, I got to the gym for yoga class. And it was so good. I feel so centred after going to that class. I actually talked to the instructor today. She doesn't teach a "style", she said. Rather, she teaches a system called "Yoga for Daily Living". Unfortunately, Sydney's locations are too far away from me to be practical. So I think I'll start looking at other yoga studios. I'm not so sure that I really want to stay with my gym. I think I'm getting bored. Ha, that's so like me. And the yoga is the only thing that I look forward to at the end of a long day working and walking everywhere. Afterwards, I feel strong and calm and like I can handle anything. And I don't feel like I want to eat all the unhealthy food on the planet. I feel like I want to treat my body with love and respect and not pack it full of horrible things. I've had a couple of good responses on the "Happiness" post. Sarah and Jack had especially good ones that I could relate to. Have you sent me your list? :: Cathy 6:14 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Monday, May 19, 2003 :: Today was a beautiful day! Sunny, 23 degrees... and it's AUTUMN, for goddessakes! I LOVE it here! Of course, I was working at Melograno, so I didn't get to enjoy much of it before 3pm. Sigh. And even though the rest of the week is supposed to be much like today, I'm working every day (only up to 4 hours in a shift). That means I won't be able to get to the Blue Mountains like I'd wanted to. I'll talk to Joanne, my boss at the Coffee Grinders, to see if I can get 2 days off in a row next week instead. I'm a little lonely today. So that means that I'm going to the gym to forget about it. Did I tell you that I LOVE being a waitress? I do. :: Cathy 2:14 AM [+] :: 0 comments :: Sunday, May 18, 2003 :: Even earlier last night, at the gym, I was reading SHE magazine. I was reading the article "How to be Happy". Well, thank God someone finally figured THAT one out! The search is over, we can all retire. So what you need to do is just make a list of the following things and set out to achieve them. And send the list to me. 1. two things to do every day to inspire myself 2. two people I want to meet this year 3. two things I want to learn 4. two things I want to finish 5. two things I want to start 6. two material things I want in my lifetime 7. two books I want to read 8. two places I want to go 10. two things I want to eliminate from my life My list: 1. - walk through a park - read while I drink my tea (it's amazing the things you can learn; this morning, I learned about the brain, yesterday about the Aussie Student Loan system) 2. - someone interesting from an exotic place - someone who inspires me 3. Finding it hard to narrow it down, but this year... - scuba diving - surfing 4. - this trip - the Lord of the Rings Trilogy 5. - a professional web site - loving and believing myself 6. - a house - a wedding ring (OK, that's cheating, I want my soul mate attached to that, please) 7. - tales of a female nomad - The High King 8. - The Great Barrier Reef - Fraser Island 10. - caring so much what others expect from me or think about me - fear of failure (or my ridiculous notion of what constitutes failure) :: Cathy 7:33 AM [+] :: 0 comments I apologize for the peanut butter posting last night. I was a little drunk. But I finished off my container of peanut butter, so there should be no further outbursts on that front. In other news... Earlier in the night, on my way out to the Scottish girls night out, I walked through the path under Central Station, where all the buskers showcase their talent. There were two young guys asking everyone who walked by who inspired them as a kid. I overheard them saying, "Wow, we've got one for Michael Jackson, one Madonna..." and then they asked me. "Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Who inspired you?" I only thought a split second before answering. "My mom." Raised eyebrows. Slack jaws. "Wow. That's sweet." Ya, it's sweet. I don't know if I realized I was inspired by my mom as a kid. I only know now that she has totally affected the way I am. The way I always strive to do/achieve more. And now I see or hear about the things she does (learning to roller blade at 50, running charity marathons, charming the pants off everyone, being the life of every party and successful in her professional life) and I just hope that I will be that active, that cool when I'm a mom. :: Cathy 7:25 AM [+] :: 0 comments |
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