WebGoddessCathy |
<!-- anita --> My photographer friend and roommate from university. We met at the very end of our first year at Ryerson when Dave, Ev, Scott and I were applying for a senior suite for second year. We wanted to be mentors and help the new kids figure out university life... but mostly we wanted to corrupt them and live another year of debauchery in Rez. We needed another person in our suite. One girl was brought in and she was the model student: quiet, serious, engaged. She totally didn't fit in. And then came Anita. She traded her quiet, studious suite for ours: the party floor. And a match made in hell was born. She is fun and spacey and creative and neurotic. She sounds like a valley girl and talks on the phone a lot. Her motivation inspires me. She wanted to be a fashion photographer and she's making it happen. She persevered through a bad car accident and is way cooler than I can ever hope to be. She loves fashion. Seriously. LOVES fashion. Well, OK, she loves Madonna too. For more information, see her website: AnitaZvonar.com, which, incidentally, I am re-building. Favourite Moments: "Oh my God, bell bottoms!" and when she comforted me late at night over a broken heart. Sad part: She picked out and left Raisin Bran raisins on the kitchen counter every morning.