WebGoddessCathy |
<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Thursday, October 15, 2009 :: You may have seen The Orange Couch in previous pics of my house online. I like The Orange Couch. It's a good couch. A pull-out. Bright. Comfy. Cheap. It's been like a friend for the past five years. But someone recently told me that I probably need a different couch. And so began the search. I won't say it's been particularly arduous. Certainly not as time consuming as my search for the perfect upholstery fabric for my window seat, which, this weekend (a fine, wonderful, relaxing weekend), led me to break down and use the fabric that I'd long ago picked out, bought, but thought was inappropriate. It probably IS inappropriate, but over six months later, I'm kind of thinking I don't care. I just want to sit on the stupid window seat. Anyway, this past weekend I had the opportunity to go furniture shopping with a couple of friends who'd rented a car. They were also looking for a couch. We'd both been to the usual suspects. Now it was time to try out some others. And that brought us to GH Johnson, where I saw The Grey Couch. It's grey. It's tailored. It's cheap (well, it's an expensive couch, on sale). It's pretty comfy. It's microfibre and thus easily cleaned (although I have a friend who would say that I'll also easily see my butt imprint on the fake-suede - but I think I'm OK with that since I love her couch). I think it's for me. And I think I need to stop thinking about it. Or I'll still be thinking about it six months from now and I've got other things I'd rather think about. :: Cathy 5:26 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::Comments:: |
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