WebGoddessCathy |
<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Monday, September 25, 2006 :: Just had my first experience of cycling home in the rain. Ew. You know, so many times, I've left my bike at work thinking it was supposed to rain and then I got home and was mad cuz it DIDN'T rain. This time, I thought, "for sure it's not going to rain, I'll be fine." Of course, it didn't just rain, it POURED. It was cold cold cold and stung and I regretted choosing a dress today (even though it's my new favourite cute brown dress with white polka dots). But, you know, it could have been worse. At least I'm home now and can warm up with maybe a hot chocolate after I eat my late dinner of MaRS potato salad. And I can cuddle up in the cozy blanket that Alex bought me for Christmas two years ago while I work on the report that I have to write tonight. While I ignore the tasks that I had set aside for me to do tonight so I can write a report for work. Boo, but yay for cozy things like flannel PJs and steaming mugs of cocoa. :: Cathy 8:13 PM [+] :: 1 comments ::Comments:: "but yay for cozy things like flannel PJs and steaming mugs of cocoa." ...and cute brown dresses with white dots!!! :D # posted by Sassette76 : 10:07 PM Post a Comment |
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