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:: Monday, September 11, 2006 ::

Inline skating at Ashbridges Bay
Originally uploaded by webgoddesscathy.
Mom and I went inline skating yesterday at The Beach, starting at Ashbridges Bay. It was the first time I've actually explored the trails in that area and it was a perfect spot (especially if you have a car or live nearby).

Gorgeous weather, some smooth trails, it hardly seemed like we were in Toronto at all. We felt like we were on vacation. Wondered why we don't do stuff like this more often.

Actually, the Martin Goodman Trail was great until we decided to check out Tommy Thompson park. I'll tell you, that's a definite skip for next time. Not so pretty, really. And the path is pretty rough.

My legs are pretty sore and I'm even more convinced that I need to get new inline skates. I have the gift certificate to get them, I just haven't found the right pair for the right price.

:: Cathy 11:41 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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