WebGoddessCathy |
<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 :: I'm experiencing an exceptional frequency of coincidences today. Nothing earth shattering, just, you know, I'm hungry and food shows up. Or I'm talking about someone I haven't thought about in months, thinking I should reconnect and they email me about 5 minutes later. Finally, I'm updating a Post-Doc Application from the Royal Society on our website. And someone sends me a notice that the complete archive of the UK Royal Society's journals, which stretches back over 300 years, has been put on-line, and that, until December 2006 access to this remarkable collection of almost 60,000 articles will be free of charge. Obviously, this needs to go on our website. And my browser is already there, just waiting to download their logo to post with the story that I'm about to put up. Seriously, the last time I've been to the Royal Society's website? Probably when I started working here. Weird stuff. Anyway, if you think our excitement over the Royal Society's free downloads, consider some of the amazing things you can access:
:: Cathy 3:24 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::Comments:: |
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