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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 ::
I'm feeling so great!

Yesterday, I was a bit down in the dumps about how little I got accomplished on the weekend. I was frustrated about the construction zone that I called "home."

Then, Sara (with no 'h') came to help me out again!

We set up the back bedroom so that you can actually MOVE in it. Total relief, because now I can actually get at my clothes and move the crap out of the hallway. Yay.

Then she sanded part of the banister while I taped the upstairs hallway. Then we painted. Team Cathy Sara is a smokin painting team! We got the whole first coat DONE and I even got a second coat of the trim.

Tonight we'll finish the second coat and get some other projects out of the way.

Nothing I like more than getting something accomplished!

:: Cathy 8:48 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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