WebGoddessCathy |
<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Friday, March 17, 2006 :: You know that I love the web. LOVE IT. But sometimes I get a little bogged down and don't get to really enjoy it. I get busy and I use for some tasks, boring stuff. Today, though, I had a conversation with a coworker that inspired me. It was about blogs, actually, and about creating a feed of industry-related blogs for our site. He was talking about one of his favourites which discusses the innovations that Yahoo is researching - all the "Web 2.0" stuff. (It's not important if you don't know what that is, the point is that I'm a Web person and I'm supposed to. You? Maybe not so important.) I started looking up the blog. In my search for that particular blog, as well as the research I was doing for the blog I'm working on for MaRS, I embarked on an exciting journey. First, I went to A List Apart which I hope all the web-type workers out there know as a sort of blog or column for people who make websites. I was going there to see how they handled a particular type of click or action (ie: not for pleasure but for research). In using their site, I stumbled onto and started reading a very interesting article about ~ coincidence ~ Web 2.0. It was well written (like most of their articles) and helped me understand more history on the term and explained some other terms I didn't know. And then they mentioned a couple of really interesting sites which I had to check out:
I also found Technorati, a blog search. Very cool, but I didn't find the blog I wanted. And my search for the Yahoo blog got me to del.icio.us which is apparently another social space to keep bookmarks and... stuff. And Yahoo 360° which looks to be a personal website tool for aggregating all of the other tools that Yahoo offers. And I suddenly thought, oh my god, why don't I already KNOW about these things? Why haven't I USED these things yet? Thank god I already use and love Flikr or I would have to forfeit my domain name entirely. I just find so many interesting things on the Web whenever I go on a browsing-spree. And I want to USE all of these things. And yet I can't find time to redesign my OWN website, never mind trying out these cool tools. Anyway, I was inspired by the wonderful, useful bits of software offered on the web these days. And the fact that I'm a part of this whole thing - I will be USING these tools to integrate with my site and the MaRS site, I suspect - made me feel a little cool by association. I just need more time for R&D! (Some call it "play time".) :: Cathy 1:38 PM [+] :: 1 comments ::Comments:: UPDATE: Turns out the easiest way to find the blog was to ask my coworker again. Mark Pincus: http://markpincus.typepad.com/markpincus/ But I'll tell ya, it wasn't the BEST way to find it. # posted by Cathy : 3:47 PM Post a Comment |
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