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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, January 12, 2006 ::

Christmas phaser
Originally uploaded by webgoddesscathy.
Is there anything more Christmasy than a phaser?

I've finally put up my Christmas photos! And you can check them out on my flikr account. Just click!

My mom was happy that we took my camera to the shop and made hard copy photos before I went back to the city. She's a die hard about the photos.

That's not the only thing she's die-hard about (I ever-so-cleverly bring us back to the topic at hand).

Our family is clearly the nerdiest group of people known to man. Good thing we have each other to appreciate us.

The phaser was a gift from Matt - it's actually a TV remote control that plays "red alert" sounds as well as the standard "phaser" buzz.

Too cool.

:: Cathy 10:42 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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