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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Saturday, October 01, 2005 ::
It's been a great day at my parents' farm. I came home for my mom's birthday.

I slept in. Dad made breakfast and we ate out in the sunshine. My dad and I were talking financials when Marlene (Heather's mom) drove up the driveway to surprise my mom.

We talked and worked on our quilt and then went to Dairy Queen for a Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzards.

I made my mom a banana butterscotch cheesecake and took her out for a seafood dinner.

Then dad brought out the loot for her: new quilting paraphenalia. You know you're a nerd when that excites you. We're already planning our next quilt.

And tomorrow? Back to Toronto to have dinner with Mr. Cathy and then go to the David Gray concert. I can't wait!

:: Cathy 11:59 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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