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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Friday, August 26, 2005 ::
I am confrontational lately.


Why do I feel so defensive and angry? I need to figure this out so that I can make it better because I'm spinning my wheels.

I think I feel like I can't talk about the issues that I'm upset about. That's a major frustration. I feel like everything is SO hard. Why can't anything just be easy? Why do I always have to try; why can't OTHER people try?

Why can't I forget about things that I can't talk about so that I can at least be content?

:: Cathy 6:11 PM [+] :: 2 comments


    call me if you need to chat. sending smiles from afar.
    # posted by Blogger raye : 10:25 PM  

    Do you think you can be more vague?
    # posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:41 PM  

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