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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy --> :: Saturday, April 23, 2005 :: A very bad thing happened with my move. BEWARE of Logan Movers. They are scammers! Here's what happened: 1. They quoted $40/hour + 1 hour travel 2. Once the stuff was loaded they demanded a $275.00 "deposit" or as I call it, holding your stuff for ransom. 3. They claimed remaining monies would be returned. 4. After 3 hours of substandard labour ($120 + $40 travel time) they left a couple of things scattered in the hallway and took off! 5. Repeated calls to this "company" have resulted in hang ups, denials and statements like "too bad, it's our word against yours" The $ amount is irrelevant, these types of people are the scum of the earth and I implore you to hurt them where it hurts most, in the pocketbook! Please let everyone you know in the Toronto area about these scammers and/or Call them and let them know how you feel (416) 491-2740 and/or Tell the Toronto Sun or Now magazine to start refusing ads from scammers. :: Cathy 12:06 AM [+] :: 36 comments ::Comments:: Cath! That is SO HORRIBLE. http://www.cbs.gov.on.ca/mcbs/english/2452_3fe.htm Complain here. IT's the government website that deals with this. Good luck! Tree. P.S. Down with Logan Movers! I'll tell everyone I know. # posted by : 6:40 PM Please tell everyone you know - and thanks! I'm thinking of taking an ad out in the Toronto Star/Sun/Now magazine to tell my story. People have a right to know. # posted by Cathy : 9:29 AM By the way, I did make a complaint to Consumer Affairs and the Better Business Bureau. Next, we're thinking of going to consumer advocates like Silverman. And maybe taking them to court. You know, it would have been so much easier if they'd just give me back my money. # posted by Cathy : 9:31 AM Your site is a waste of internet space. You people need a life and a real job to keep you busy. Moving business is hard work and obviously you don't appreciate hard work because you obviously don't do any yourself having time to make up such bullshit webpages. Any consumer who doesn't have enough funds for a service would do the job themselves. If more people see this site, I hope they realize that you are pathetic and immature to be crying over $40 bucks. # posted by : 11:06 PM $40? Is THAT how much you think was stolen? Where did that math come from? I suppose that's how you justify it to yourself to steal hundreds of dollars from girls like me: convince yourself that I DESERVE it? That I don't work hard, or that I even HAVE extra money sort of HANGING around to give to people who can't add and run off with more than double what it cost to do the job? So you think that's FAIR? Please stop kidding youself. # posted by Cathy : 10:21 PM BTW, any consumer who has medical problems preventing them from moving themselves should absolutely never trust a mover. I appreciate "anonymous" for underlining that point. You have to get friends or family to do it because you cannot trust a moving company. Read http://www.movingscam.com/ # posted by Cathy : 10:27 PM Well, well, well, look who came out from beneath their rock. Looks like we were all wrong about the Logan Movers people. It turns out they're swell people after all, not at all the types that would misrepresent and cheat their customers. (insert sarcasm emoticon here) Even though it was a lot more than $40 they seem to think if it WAS $40 that would be ok. I love these guys. Well ain't karma a bitch kids... just tonight I was talking to my friends who are doing a whole house move and they said they specifically avoided Logan Movers based on our emails and blogs. This now makes the 5th person I know of that has been turned away from Logan Movers. I love consumerism in 21 century. I estimate we've cost them over $1500 directly in work they would have received by recommendation had they treated Cath fairly. We win already assholes and it ain't over yet. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to bed then go to my 'real job' for a company who shockingly don't steal money from their customers. Surely a flawed business model that is doomed to fail. The real money is clearly in being a knuckle dragging, monosyllabic, high school drop-out running nothing better than a 2 bit street hussle. # posted by @lex : 1:14 AM Oooooh, so they're not really scamming people, they just don't know how to add. Poor buggers. # posted by CityRat : 11:39 AM Down with Logan Movers! How dare they post such a disgusting comment. Clearly they're untrustworth and don't deserve further business. The more we post on them, with their name, "loban movers", the more they'll be avoided. Be sure to publish their phone number too! These people sound like a waste of organic matter. I had a wonderful experience with Joe the Mover, and they didn't leave until I was satisfied everything was accounted for. Total bill: $300. Three burly old guys who looked like they just got out of jail, but they took pride in their job. Down with Logan Movers! Let's track down the person's number through the Ontario business licence bureau (if they even have a licence) and let him know how we feel! # posted by : 9:34 PM Whoops! reposting Down with Logan Movers! How dare they post such a disgusting comment. Clearly they're untrustworthy and don't deserve further business. The more we post on them, with their name, "loGan movers", the more they'll be avoided. Be sure to publish their phone number too! These people sound like a waste of organic matter. I had a wonderful experience with Joe the Mover, and they didn't leave until I was satisfied everything was accounted for. Total bill: $300. Three burly old guys who looked like they just got out of jail, but they took pride in their job. Down with Logan Movers! Let's track down the person's number through the Ontario business licence bureau (if they even have a licence) and let him know how we feel! # posted by : 9:35 PM $40 bucks it aint. But still that anonymous poster (who I assume is Logan Movers) clearly doesn't respect the value of $40. Why? I'll tell you: because they clearly don't earn their money. They steal it. They have no concept of what a hard-earned $40 is. # posted by : 10:00 AM I used Logan Movers. Big mistake. I made the appointment over one week in advance. Was Quoted $44.00 par hour flat rate. I informed them I had a piano to move. "No problem, We do this all the time, we are the movers". As my phone service was being routed to my new place the day before I moved, I called at approx. 3:00 the afternoon before to confirm the move. "No problem. Got the work order right here, address to pick up and deliver are correct. And you have a piano. Not to worry, we are the movers." 8:00 A.M., no truck. 9:00 A.M. contacted the office and was informed that because I could not be contacted, as my phone was disconnected and was now answered by the people leaving from my new address, I had been cancelled. When I informed them I called the day before to confirm, I was assured a truck and two men would arrive by 12:30 P.M. and that I could have them for $35.00/hour as compensation. Truck arrived at 12:05 P.M. From 12:05 until 12:30 was spent ranting on the phone because it was now costing $45.00/hour. (Who would be stupid enough to do a moving job for $35 bucks)? Now I am over a barrel, half a day shot, and nothing moved. Lets just do this and get it done. But clock starts at 12:30. Signed the paper, One truck, Two men, no dollies, no packing blankets, no cart to move piano??? "Don't worry, the boss will deliver a cart before we are done. We are the movers." GUYS!!! Stand the mattress on end and it will fit around the corner. "Don't worry, we are the movers." GUYS!!! You cannot carry the washing machine by the console. "Don't worry, We do moving all the time." GUYS!!! Pick it up, you cannot drag stuff on the patio stones. "Don't wor...." "The freezer will not come up the stairs, do we leave it behind?" NO!!! The house was not built around it!!! It went in, it will come out!!! "The couch does not fit through the door, Do we leave it?" No!!! Two hours later. ( one bedroom suite, couch love seat, washer dryer, two freezers, disassembled table, boxes, some opened to retrieve blankets to wrap furniture) and no cart to move piano. "We may have to leave it behind." NO!!! That was the reason I hired you in the first place. Grab the other end and lift, NOW... By the way, 28 foot truck is almost full. Leave kitchen, dinning and living room chairs behind. Wife looses it and climbs into truck, start to stack stuff, I have to find straps to secure piano. When confronted, "movers" admit to in inexperience. Drivers first day on job, helpers been around 3 months... To the storage lockers, Over two more hours to fill truck. From ground level lockers. Hit the highway, Bought the guys lunch (Wendy's). Guys confide they have been working since 6:00 A.M and this is there first stop to eat. Arrive at destination, Guys call their dispatch and I am required to pay before unloading, I understand this, but I am not paying for 4 hours to unload. agreed to two hours, each additional hour paid in advance. No set-ups, just drop in place. Most delivered to one room to be moved later. Push, push. Done by 9:00 P.M. in 1.5 hours. Damage, Extensive. Satisfaction, None. Recourse, Just this forum. They where not just bad. They can lie with no remorse. That bothers me the most. I will sign this with my name as I am not ashamed of what I say. Steven Clipperton. # posted by steven clipperton : 8:25 PM Steven, I am SO sorry to hear about your horrible moving experience! I tried talking to a couple of consumer advocate shows but they wanted something entertaining like pictures to send them. All I have is a picture of dirt on my mattress where they dragged it across the ground, after promising me that they actually wrap mattresses as part of the hourly rate. I lost a lot of money with these fraudsters. I'm really sorry that message didn't get to you in time. All we can do is keep posting and hope that everyone in Toronto will AVOID LOGAN MOVERS. Actually, there's a post on Craigslist about yet another Logan Movers horror story. http://toronto.craigslist.org/lbs/98353821.html # posted by Cathy : 11:14 PM I stumbled upon this and I am glad I did! I am sorry to hear about your terrible experiences. I will be sure to let people know to NEVER use Logan Movers! I noticed someone mentioned their wonderful experience with Joe The Mover and I also wanted to recommend them. They were early, prepared, 3 guys, in and out, willing to go above and beyond to get the job done. They did not rest until they tried every option possible to get my furniture into my new place and in the end they succeeded!!! I have recommended them to my boyfriend, sister, boss and a few coworkers and all have also had great experiences. So in an effort to assist with your mission of hurting Logan Movers where it hurts the most, I thought it would also be a good opportunity to give a shout out to a reputable company that deserves the business of hard working individuals that need help moving! Don't worry Cathy - I am a very strong believer in karma, and what goes around comes around! I am very sympathetic to your situation as I know that as a single woman I worked extra hard in advance to save money for my move to ensure that I wouldn't HAVE to rely on the help of my friends and family. I was very irritated by the comment of anonymous (aka ignorant, uneducated prick)who said that you don't appreciate hard work and any consumer who doesn't have enough funds for a service would do the job themselves. Well to this I say, "You think buddy?" Your statement doesn't make any sense obviously if she didn't have the funds she would have to figure out a way to do it herself. The issue here is not a matter of having the funds for the service. Clearly she had the funds she paid you more than what was negotiated! It's PRINCIPAL, GOOD WORK ETHIC, SETTING PROPER EXPECTATIONS FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS, PROFESSIONALISM, ETC. I am far too familiar with dodgy people like this and all I can say is take comfort in knowing that they will always be low class movers who are never thoroughly impressed or excited about their lives; and the good people like you and Steve will carry on to have successes, wins and gratification many times through out the rest of your life. That is the best pay back of all! # posted by : 12:43 PM These A*%holes moved my business and after quoting 4 hours, took 6 and billed me for 8. I should have know when 4 hoodrats showed up in a rented Penske truck.. They refused to begin unloading until they had a CASH payment in hand. The price may sound attractive at the outset, but trust me - you will regret not working with a more reputible mover. BEWARE!!!!!!! # posted by : 10:52 AM Hi Cathy, just stumbled upon your blog. Sorry to hear of such a terrible moving experience - but glad to hear your blog has helped steer potential victims clear of this particular mover. I see this was an old blog entry, but the thread is still very useful for people to read, so here's a couple of links to other blogs telling people's experiences (the good, the bad, and the ugly!) with various Canadian moving companies. The third link is a helpful consumer ratings/reviews site. Accordion Guy - Anyone Know any Good Toronto Movers? http://joeydevilla.com/2005/06/27/anyone-know-any-good-toronto-movers/ Beatnik Pad - Moving Company Reviews thread http://www.beatnikpad.com/archives/2004/08/09/moving_company_reviews Homestars.ca is useful to see at a glance which GTA moving and storage companies have earned the better consumer ratings and reviews: http://www.homestars.ca/ratedcompanies.aspx?start=top&sortBy=rating&filter=rated&cf=Moving+%26+Storage Hope that helps! :) Cheers, Aya # posted by Aya : 2:29 PM I have received two emails lately from other people who have been cheated by Logan Movers, the scammers from Toronto who think it's OK to steal from people. One of them is pursuing legal action. Good for them! I'm sad that not enough people see this site before they hire Logan Movers. However, I tell as many people as I can about the terrible things that happened to me and other people who have commented on this blog and to those who've just emailed me. Remember folks, the more you comment here, the more our page stays tops when you search for Logan Movers on Google and the more people we can save from their scam! # posted by Cathy : 5:42 PM I got another sad email today from Laurel about Logan Movers in Toronto: "Unfortunately I found your website too late and am now suffering a hellish experience with Logan's Movers also. I'm sure you can tell what I'm about to describe, but they were 1 hr late, rude, and then wound up overcharging me to leave all of my belongings on the front lawn as they refused to carry them up the stairs without more pay. Now, all of my attempts to contact this company are being met with being hung up on. I do not appreciate this, and it is making me insane. Am I misguided to believe that I will ever receive any compensation for my overpayment?" Laurel, while I heartily wish that I could tell you that they will concede finally that they are cheating people and give you back the money they owe you, I suspect it will not happen. I never received any money back. They have stolen from so many people now, it's like old news. They clearly do not have a conscience. Laurel, I hope you don't mind that I posted part of your email here, but I think it's important to share your story. The more times this page is updated with stories about Logan Movers, the more it will show up when people Google them so that they know NOT to hire them. # posted by Cathy : 2:30 PM By the way, Laurel, where did you read about them? My suggestion would be to call the newspaper that advertised them and tell them that they are thieves and that they should stop carrying their ad. If they need more people writing/calling to ask that discontinue running their ad, let me know and I will ensure that I get some others who had bad experiences to call as well! # posted by Cathy : 2:33 PM You're all a bunch of losers for being cheap on moving your house/business. If you decided to go cheap, you should have just rented a truck and got a couple of friends to move it for you. It's not the fact that they rip you off, the difference is only $100-$200 give or take. You think us movers are just F*cking robots and that we can work and work and do extra hard tasks for no bonuses? YOU'RE NUTTIER THAN A SQUIRREL'S TURD!!!!! Go out and get AMJ movers or another company like that and they'll charge you double. You are all a bunch of pussies, stop bitchin' about getting ripped off and get off your fat lazy asses and do something!!!!!! P.S. You are gay!! # posted by : 8:44 PM JOE THE MOVER - do not look anywhere else. They were extremely affordable, extremely efficient, and incredibly friendly. I hired them 3 years ago, have recommended them to everyone I know and intend to use them again this year. # posted by : 9:58 AM I also used Joe the Mover. They were OK - a little rough on the edges, but good. Last move I did by myself - and when I say "myself" I actually had family help me as I'm not able to pick up heavy things due to huge back problems. However, it basically cost about $50 to rent a UHaul truck. It was great, but I felt bad having to get my family to do that for me. # posted by Cathy : 10:03 AM I am so sorry to hear about all your stories, and I too had a terrible experience with Logan Movers, who also go by the names L & G Movers, Complete Movers, CMS and Preferred Movers. For information sake, I have contacted the Toronto Fraud Squad and given them a report, as well as the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Affairs. The police constable I talked to told me that the more people who call and contact the proper authorities, the more chance they can do something. So, please report your bad experiences to these organizations. Best of luck to you all, and spread the word to all you know so that no one else has to endure the stress that this causes. # posted by : 12:48 AM Justice is coming! Two employees of Logan Movers are up on five counts of theft and to be arraigned June 9, 2009. This charge was brought by a couple that retrieved video footage from the management at their locker. It was bound to catch up with them some day! # posted by Cathy : 11:00 AM hey everyone that was ripped off by logan movers i am the one who had my storage facility catch them on video stealing my stuff and putting back on their truck what a bunch of low lifes if you want to email me your stories i will give it to the detective that arrested them and get him to take it to court to prove this company should be shut down # posted by : 8:52 PM my email is blonde_blue_eyes29@hotmail.com # posted by : 8:55 PM wow, whoever that idiot was defending them clearly works for them...They stole/lost/damaged $10,000 worth of my stuff, some sentimental and irricplaceable....they are scammers and scum and overcharged me and ruined and stole my stuff...they are huge scammers and unprofessional and people have a right to know # posted by : 9:50 PM My name is Sebastian and I too was ripped by Logan. Recently I used AGILITY MOVING AND STORAGE LTD on August 18th 2009. They were awesome. I found out about them through Craigslist and did a little research on Google. I found several positive reviews and decided to use them. They showed up on right on time and the crew was very polite. They moved me without a hitch. They didn’t damage a single piece and used big bags to protect my mattress, which was cool. I would definitely recommend them. They are very reasonably priced and bring everything they need to move people properly. These guys are the best movers in Toronto! Their phone number is 416-654-5029. # posted by : 3:31 PM Down with Logan Movers indeed!!! I too fell victim to their SCAM as recent as last month (August 2009). To make matters worse, when I received my Visa Statement only days ago, I found that they charged me $779.00. I'll now have to take them to court because they took out more than the $440.00 payment I originally authorized on my visa (taking out more than was authorized is a criminal offense). I would like everyone to know that they also operate by the name GTA MOVERS. I did not book my move with Logan Movers, I booked with GTA Movers, and only found out on the day of the move that they operate by another name. Posting comments on the Internet is not enough!!! Not everyone has access to the Internet. I will place an AD in the laundry room of my apartment building to save others from their SCAMMING, and spread the word by word-of-mouth! MC (Toronto) # posted by : 4:00 PM Hi MC, If you want to leave your email address I can send you info on what some of us are doing OFF-line to take real action against Logan Movers. This is just one of the many ways that we're trying to ensure that people don't get scammed by them. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Please feel free to email me if you'd like to know about some more things that we're doing. # posted by Cathy : 7:52 PM I hired Inner city moving and storage for august 30th 2009. 9 am rolled around and they weren’t at my place. So I Googled for best movers in Toronto. I came across many websites including this one with very good reviews of Agility Moving & Storage. So I called them to see if they had a truck and crew available. The person I spoke with was so kind and professional throughout our conversation. He informed me that all their crews were booked, but took my number and said he’d contact each crew and would call me back and let me know if they could accommodate us. I received a call back immediately (with in 15 min.) and he told me they could have a crew at my door between 2pm and 6pm guaranteed. I liked the price and they seemed very professional so I decided to give them a try. The crew called me 30 mins. after I booked to confirm my address and to tell me they were loading the contents of their job and would be at my address around 2:45pm. The crew showed up at 2:15pm, they were very courteous and were very eager to start. They completed the job in less time that I figured it was going to take. I realised why I had found Agility Moving & Storage under the best movers in Toronto on Google. I am always going to use and recommend Agility Moving & Storage anytime I need stuff moved. CALL THEM @ 416-654-5029!! MIKE :) # posted by : 5:17 PM It looks like the Toronto papers are all over the sheisty movers right now. I also have noticed a couple of other blog posts that didn't make it here, so I wanted to make sure that I was documenting them in case anyone is in any doubt: DO NOT HIRE LOGAN MOVERS! "Logan Movers Toronto and Adventures in Piss Poor Customer Service and PR" from Danny Brown: http://dannybrown.me/2009/06/03/logan-movers-toronto-and-adventures-in-piss-poor-customer-service-and-pr/ Complete Movers: Hostage-Taking Movers from Craigslist that someone (wonder who?) requested they remove http://toronto.maplist.org/viewthread.php?action=printable&tid=2587183 (see aliases including Logan Movers) I also notice that Logan Movers now has a website in which they try to pretend like they're something other than bad movers. Way to try to continue to extort money from good people. # posted by Cathy : 1:29 PM I was ripped off by Complete Movers in September. Same MO as most stated here, but it almost erupted into a physical altercation as I relayed the message from the mover who had told me 'in confidence' that the owner was screwing with me and trying to charge me double on boxes for packing, and an additional $600 dollars (bringing the grand total up to $1000 to move from a one bedroom to a one bedroom). When I relayed this to the owner he became quite irrate, telling me to put that 'f*%king midget on the phone' (the mover). The mover told him that I was lying. From there the chaos continued. They broke a lamp, a $2000 printer and a $3000 treadmill. They literally threw the contents into the new house, got into their truck and left. When I called to complain, no answer. (BTW - the 'free' wardrobe boxes that they were suppose to supply were in fact my own garbage bags) I called again from a different phone number. The owner goes by two names: Kumar and Bob. I asked for Nancy Logan. The guy said, "You don't need to speak to her." I said, "How do you know?" He replied, "Because I am the f*&king owner." I said, "Oh, then you are responsible for the damages done to my items in the move." He said, "There were no moves yesterday. Give me a f*&king receipt number." NO RECEIPT was given. Hence no number. I called back and asked to speak to Logan. He asked, "Are you from the f&*king ministry?" "I said no. But that I was going to call the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. I filed a complaint, and an investigation is underway. I suggest that you all do the same to make it very uncomfortable for these con-artists to sustain any sort of business. # posted by : 3:24 PM I hired GTA movers, who subcontracted to Logan Movers. They arrived 4 hours late, after saying they were involved in an accident. They asked me to sign an outrageous contract with additional cost per piece of furniture, dispatching fee and per step. After getting upset with them they grabbed my deposit money ($200) and left, telling my I owe them for the inconvenience. Following them out, I took a picture of their license plate, and in the cab they had ski masks on. I filed a police report. They confirmed the truck had NOT been involved in an accident and suggested it was a ploy to make me more anxious about getting moved on time and willing to sign whatever they gave me. DO NOT SUPPORT GTA OR LOGAN MOVERS # posted by : 1:08 PM Hi cathy your email add is not working as I tried to contact you. # posted by : 5:19 AM HI! I work in an industry that uses movers quite regularly! In all my experience, JOE THE MOVERS has been the BEST experience EVER! I know many, many people who have used them. There are not expensive, especially when stairs are involved. In my personal experience, they arrived early, was scheduled for 9 am came at 8:30! We had 4 flights of stair to go up and down. They finished loading an entire 1 large bedroom suite in an hour, even brought extra boxes, packing tape and clothing boxes if need. They did an initial walk through and had a game plan, and got to it! Nothing broke, was damaged or even scratched! When we arrived at our new home with another flight of stairs (scetchy fire escape) into the house. They made sure that everything was placed where I wanted it exactly. They were the nicest, most hardworking and efficient men I have ever encountered. Call Joe the Movers if you need a moving company – they will go anywhere and do it properly! 416-531-8094 Ask for Johnny’s Crew!I've used his crew and referred so many to use him and so far all I've ever heard was good things! Good Luck everyone! # posted by : 5:55 PM Post a Comment |
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