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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 ::
Ohmygosh, I think I mentioned my mom's beef and barley soup in my last post, but I wasn't eating it at the time and I might have under-emphasized its impact.

Seriously, this is some yummy soup.

I was very happy to come home to an empty, quiet apartment (dishes CLEAN in the dishwasher!) to discover a margarine container in the fridge filled with rich, homemade goodness that I'd forgotten my mom had sent home with me.

So, not only was I able to make it to the gym for a magnificent run that made me feel so alive, I am also chowing down on something wholesome for once.

(I don't wanna talk about the Clods that are sitting on my counter over there...)

:: Cathy 9:10 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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