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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Saturday, December 18, 2004 ::
Did you know that you can buy tickets for the TSO (Toronto Symphony Orchestra) for $10/ea if you are 29 and under? Well, I didn't until last night, when I picked up Alex's tickets for Bill Cosby.

This morning, I clicked on over to's tsoundcheck and signed up only to discover that there are currently no tickets to buy. I wonder when you can actually buy them? Pretty useless to have such a program only to NOT be able to do anything with it.

However, I then discovered something even BETTER... details to come. Surprises not to be spoiled...

:: Cathy 11:06 AM [+] :: 1 comments


    You buy them at the box office the night of the concert. They are called "rush tickets".
    # posted by Blogger Kat : 3:47 PM  

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