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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Saturday, June 05, 2004 ::
Today I'm off to a wedding just outside Toronto. I have a dress and shoes and a haircut for the occasion, but I suspect that I will look like a pregnant yak. (NO, I'm NOT pregnant, it's just a nice visual for you.)

It's sunny today but a little chilly, and I'm hoping that my Guess dress will be warm enough, as I don't currently own a jacket.

I've had my two cups of tea this morning and am about to venture out for my walk in my quiet tree-lined neighbourhood. Maybe this will wake me up. I wish I didn't feel so tired all the time! At least I've had my leisurely weekend morning, which is my favourite part of the week...

:: Cathy 10:02 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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