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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Monday, April 26, 2004 ::
It was a great weekend.

On Saturday, I woke up, made myself a pot of tea and read my book, checked my emails and looked at job postings. I talked to my dad on the phone about my taxes. I went for a bike ride around Aurora. Cooled down on the front lawn by reading my book, "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan".

Mom came over on Saturday night. We went out for dinner: Purple Pig ribs! MMMmmmm!

Then we came back to the house for a glass of nice wine and watched Almost Famous before going to bed.

Woke up and had a leisurely morning, drinking coffee and tea and eating boiled egg toasts. Then we set off in the rain for the Cancer Ride n Stride event. Me, Matt and Mom ran/walked 5k in the rain! But I won a t-shirt and raised $140! Thanks to all those who supported me!!

We went shopping for dry clothes before going for a bit of dinner and then driving home. It was such a lovely weekend.

:: Cathy 8:32 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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