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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 ::
HOT. 34 degrees.

The weather promises to be "sultry" for the weekend, which is actually OK, since I plan to be staying in Fremantle, near the beach. So that's where I plan to hang out all day. Swim, read, swim, read, swim, sleep, swim.

Monday, when I have booked a tour heading north, the heat is supposed to break a little, with the promise of a shower in the evening. Hrmph. I'm HOPING that it won't rain wherever I am.

I'm excited about my trip! It's a smaller company and the tour is an extra day longer than most others, for the same price!

I'm sure that I'll be feeling better by Monday! Especially with all the R+R that I've been enjoying. It's actually feeling like a real holiday. Until I get bored, of course.

:: Cathy 10:45 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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