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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Sunday, October 26, 2003 ::
Well, I'd like to say I feel better, but I'd be kind of lying.

I mean, I'm not hung over, but I think I have the flu.

Left work early on Saturday. Had fallen asleep at my desk and my stomach was threatening to rebel.

By the time I got home at noon, everyone else was still asleep. (Forgot to mention that Scott had again invited my friends over after the bar on Friday.)

Tried to go back to sleep, but Seph (workmate) convinced me to get up so he could take me out for breakfast. Which was probably a good idea. Except for the part where I started to get a migraine.

Went home for a nap, only to get up for my catering shift at the Port Melbourne Yacht Club at 6pm. Worked all night there. Clearly, hangovers are attractive, as I believe every single man there was hitting on me.

Met a couple on the tram home who couldn't figure out the ticketing machine, so I helped them out and gave them a dollar to pay for their ride. It made me feel like a good samaritan.

Sunday, I went to the Lygon Street Festival (an Italian street festival). Scott and I bought some comedy show tickets for us and our closest 10 friends - well, my 10 closest friends, as Scott doesn't really have any. ;)

Then we stopped for a lovely strong coffee and bruschetta in a sidewalk cafe. It was difficult to keep myself out of all the lovely clothing shops, but I managed.

On my day off (Thursday) I'm going to get my long-awaited haircut and go shopping on Bridge Road (where everyone tells me all the factory outlets are).

Can't wait to buy a new white shirt and shoes!

:: Cathy 4:46 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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