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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Thursday, October 16, 2003 ::
Forced myself to go to yoga class last night, even though I was not at all motivated.

"Scott?" I whined, "Can you make me go to yoga?"
He did.
So I did.

And, wow, did I sweat. I was horrible, but it was good for me. I'm sure I'll get better.

Same with swing dancing. Went to another class tonight. I've made some small progress. Still not a strong dancer, but getting a better feel for it.

It's frustrating. I just wanna be GOOD at it right away. It looks so cool when you're good at it. At least it's fun in the mean time - except when you're dancing with a guy who can't lead.

Also went out for drinks with the people from my training group after work today. Lots of fun. I'm really loving the people I work with. They're fun, have lovely accents and some are very attractive.

This could get interesting.

Tomorrow night I go to the Canada vs. New Zealand rugby world cup match. Canada should lose, sadly, but I'll wear my I-Love-Toronto t-shirt and cheer a lot and maybe I'll get on TV. Watch for me!

:: Cathy 7:58 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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