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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 ::
Started work at 7am today. Guh. Did I mention that I'm NOT a morning person?

Ya, well, I'm not.

I perked up a little after meeting Caroline, who's originally from Vancouver but has been working at the Coffee Roaster for almost three years. Perked up even more after she made me a lovely flat white (coffee with milk). Seriously, if you want a good cup of coffee, you NEED to get one from this place. There's nothing like it in Toronto, as far as I know.

Had a surprisingly lovely day at work! Off at 1pm. Finalized my Blue Mountains tickets. Realized that I will need to buy myself some sort of sweater. I am NOT prepared for the cold weather here! Found out that second hand stores are NOT cheap. Spoiled myself with a manicure and pedicure. Chatted with my young Vietnamese aesthetician (they call them beauty therapists). Ate some chocolate (oops). Went to Pilates. Ate Ander's leftover Pizza Hut pizza for dinner. (Note: Pizza Hut isn't as greasy here.)

Could it get more lovely?
Well. It could. If I were not so damn tired, it could be more lovely. If I didn't have to go to bed directly after I have my shower in about 2.5 seconds because I have to work tomorrow at 7am in a suburb far, far away, it could be more lovely.

But who's complaining?

:: Cathy 8:01 AM [+] :: 0 comments

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