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<-- my life, by webgoddesscathy -->

:: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 ::
18 degrees and a strong wind. Apparently, Toronto has taken Sydney's nice weather.

However, I am still in good spirits and feeling better than I have in weeks. Yay!

Off to enjoy a coconut tart in Chinatown, pick up some stamps, print off my resume (and a picture, they tell me, is a GOOD idea! ~shocked, gaping stare~).

This morning I bought tickets for a show at the Opera House! Next Wednesday!

Tonight I have my orientation at my gym. My abs are killing me. A good thing, I suppose.

Not having much luck at reading my book "In a Sunburnt Country". Finished my first journal, though, and on to my second.

:: Cathy 11:11 PM [+] :: 0 comments

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